Thursday, March 30, 2006

Bubbles: Aquarium Balls

Submitted to Tuesdays Photos for "Balls"

Want BALLS? There are plenty of them at our Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta, which opened last November. These hang from the 3-story ceiling in the waiting area for the 4-D Theater. What you don't know, until you go inside, is that you're gonna have lots of bubbles to pop. So this must be the appetizer!


  1. Wow! That's really impressive! So many things to see all over the world. Sometimes, I just wish I could do the "Beam me up, Scotty" trick (as many others, I suppose). ;-)

  2. I'm with CS - I need to be in more than one place within minutes. This definitely looks like a must see!

  3. That's one of the coolest things I've ever seen!

  4. If I need to work on my throat chakra -- blue -- this would be the perfect meditation tool!

  5. CS: That whole place was impressive. Definitely the best aquarium we've ever seen and we've seen many! "Beam me up, Scotty" would be the coolest thing, wouldn't it!

    ET: How about working on a "Beam me up, Scotty" program?! For all of us!

    Dixie: I have a feeling the balls are a lot bigger than they look since they're so high up, way above everyone's heads.

    Ruth: Awww. Now that's an idea!

  6. Yes, TO. Yes, indeed :) I just went to your blog and can't believe your suitcase fiasco. UGH. Hope it's open by now.

  7. oh how i would love to visit that aquarium with you! that is so gorgeous. i always love ceiling elements like that.

  8. That's just beautiful. Blues and greens are my kind of colours. I'd love to have something like that hanging in my house. Must get to work. :-)

  9. Lesley: I would LOVE to see how YOU would decorate a space like that. It would be incredible!

    Christina: It's funny how we both posted photos with similar blues and greens! Like minds :)


Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...