Wednesday, March 29, 2006

My "BAD Bad Bad Bad" Good Update

Remember 3 weeks ago when I told you my BAD cholesterol was really bad! I had new blood work done yesterday and my report today has got me shouting from the rooftops:

My overall cholesterol THEN was 268; NOW it's 153.
My BAD cholesterol THEN was 180; NOW it's 63.

So clearly the med is doing it's job. I found out my doctor, who's basically my size and as health aware, also has the same issue: a genetic disposition to high cholesterol. So she understands and was quick on the solution.

That was Then, this is Now. Yaaaaaaaay!


  1. That is good news worthy of a celebration. It's great to make health strides like that.

  2. That is FANTASTIC !! I am so relieved to hear that :D

  3. congrats ginnie. I bet that is a total relief. But make sure you don't let your guard down! I hope you can keep it up for many decades to come. :)

  4. Whooo hooo!!! Yay you!! That's gotta be a great big relief, keep it up...or i should say, down. :)

  5. Excellent news, Ginnie! Those levels look great. So good that your doctor is on the ball with these things.

  6. That's wonderful news, Ginnie. Keep it up! :-)

  7. Tim: Health strides is right! I couldn't believe that big of a change in so short of a time!

    DW: Thanks for your relief. I feel it on the other side of the world :)

    ET: Are you kidding?! I'm one of those persons who makes other people sick by being so careful about my health. I told the nurse yesterday that I have this "disposition" to keep me humble :)

    Madretz: HA! That reminds me of a word game with "UP" that I might have to post sometime. Thanks.

    Christina: I love my new doctor and this makes me like her that much more!

    CS: Thanks! I plan to do everything right to maintain equilibrium!

    Mr. Fab: Actually, this is how I did it (in true House of Flying Daggers form): I only had to climb one of our trees and then I just swayed and jumped off the trees, bouncing off the rooftops all around. It was fast, just like a speeding bullet. I've really gotten good at in in my exercise routine to keep down my cholesterol. Try it sometime! (Aren't you glad you asked!)

  8. This is good news :-)! I hope you won't take a Black Forest Cake to celebrate ;-)!

  9. Mei: No cake of any kind for me :) I rarely eat dessert (except for ice cream!) and never even make it. Just fruit cups :) But if you served it to me, I'd definitely eat a few bites (or more)!

    Ruth: Indeed!!

  10. Thanks, Lisa. I definitely plan to keep things under control!


Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...