Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Spring Flowers' Showers

Submitted to Tuesdays Photos for "Spring"

Growing up in Michigan we always said, "April showers bring May flowers." Here in Atlanta, with a warmer climate, it all starts a good month earlier. Maybe that's true all over with global warming these days?

Anyway, on yesterday's first day of Spring, I had the lovely occasion to accompany a dear friend of mine to our downtown Atlanta courthouse while she took care of some business. Since she had to take off work and I had just come back from Germany, it was a good chance to spend some quality time together.

Coincidentally, there in the courthouse entrance was this wonderful "Ring of Water" sculpture by Seattle-based Ann Gardner, paying tribute to the most basic element, water, and how the presence of water suggests a cooling-down effect. I didn't have a chance to get the full photo showing the "drops of water" on the terrazzo floor, following the pattern of the raindrops above. But if you scroll down to the bottom of Ann's link, you can get the full picture.

Later in the afternoon I picked Nicholas up from school and babysat him while Amy was out and about for the evening. Suddenly, the heavens opened up and we had torrents of rain for the next several hours. As I tucked Nicholas under the covers at 8p, we both made our cozy sounds of thanksgiving for the showers. He knows I love the sound of rain.

Which comes first, the flowers or the showers?! Yesterday, the first day of Spring, while flowers were already in bloom, we had showers. That's all I know.


  1. lovely photo. We had lots of sun and I took a wonderful flower photo but I can't upload it into blogger... Hopefully it will be up later on today... :)

  2. That is an interesting sculpture. It must have taken some time to make. Anyway, sounds like you had a good day.

  3. Expat: Blogger is really having problems during this Mercury Retrograde phase. I'm hoping that after the 25th things will settle down! UGH. You had the sun and we had the rain :)

    Tim: Yes, I thought about how much time it must have taken to hang all those drops! Yes, a good day.

  4. Very nice sculpture, indeed. I also love hearing the rain at night. It's like a heart beat, or the purr of a cat. It relaxes me.

  5. Ginnie, what a lovely blog you have!

  6. CS: A heartbeat, purr of a cat--yes, yes!! I like that about the rain. If it relaxes you, you really can relate to it.

    Tracie: Thank you, thank you.

    Traveller: And thank you, Kim, for visiting and commenting. That means a lot. I sure like it when I see someone else using "my" template--something I don't often see :)

  7. If it makes you feel any better, Mr. Fab, I went to see our capitol building after the courthouse--the first time in the 19 years I've lived in Atlanta!

  8. sure doesn't feel like spring up here in the North yet! brrrrr.


  9. Lisa: I actually need to go to more museums myself. That's not usually where we go if our time is limited. We like to see the outside stuff. So yes, you preach to the choir! Thanks for your sweet comment.

    Nate: Well, Atlanta is cold right now--still in the 30's on a sunny day. But by late afternoon, maybe we'll warm up? The good news is that it IS on the way for all of us, sooner or later!

  10. I love the warm colors and the movement I feel from the drops. So bottom heavy! Great post.

  11. I love that sculpture. All this Spring talk - we've just turned our clocks forward and are heading into darkest winter ;)

  12. Ah yes, DW. We're eager to come out of it, winter, as you go into it! Guess we need to hold each others' hands around the world :)

  13. Wow, the Ring of Water is really cool! Your photo is fantastic and i appreciate the link to the artist's website to get the full effect. So beautiful!
    Yup, I love the rain, too! Especially if I don't have to drive in it. :)

  14. Thanks, Madretz. I particularly liked the "cooling down effect" of water for the courthouse. I'm guessing many people need that there especially!


Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...