Friday, March 31, 2006

Taming of the Wolf

Sometimes grandson Nicholas (5-1/2) just totally cracks me up! When he was with us for an overnight last weekend, he found our Mardi Gras beads hanging on the usual coat closet doorknob and wore them for awhile (as he often does). A couple days after he left, I noticed them on Wolf, who sits in our front-door hallway at the bottom of the stairs.

Wolf knows she's tame enough to live in the house and sports the handkerchief bandana as a reminder. But Mardi Gras beads? HA. She's never had it so good. She actually loves Nicholas as much as he loves her and knows she's one lucky wolf!


  1. how becoming for Wolf! totally her colors, i must say. and how nice that they compliment the bandana! i say those beads have a much better home now. =)

  2. Great images of Wolf! I'm just trying to figure out how he got the beads around her neck!

  3. Lesley: HA! What you could do to decorate this house and make our space more "special" makes my spine tingle :)

    Amy: He does the darnest things!

    Ruth: Isn't that the truth! I was wondering that myself. Little Mr. Ingenuity!

  4. I don't know how the blog works, but make sure you go back and read the poem by D.H. Lawrence under your tribute to G'Ma!

  5. What chic wolf wouldn't want to sport Mardi Gras beads? :)

  6. Rachel: Go see my comment. Yours was wonderful! Thank you!

    Dixie: HA. Chic Wolf is right :)

  7. Yes, "très chic" and totally "à la mode". Your grandson certainly have taste.

    BTW, did you know that mp and me are going to get married with two cute bloggers? Go on my blog, you'll see!

  8. Clo: He gets his taste from his mother and Donica :) And YES, you're getting Blogger-married! HA. Now I've seen everything!

    Mr. Fab: Rats! Wish I had thought of that word myself. ACCESSORIZE!

  9. Cute, and as Mr. Fab say she does look very trendy in the accessories :)
    Nice story and photoos to go with it.

    Best wishes and thanks for your visit. If you need help with B&W just drop me a line.


  10. Thanks, Neil, for your nice comments! I DID have problems figuring out how you did B&W on your site but that's probably because I don't have PS Elements. I have PS CS2. But I'll check my books to see if I can figure it out. Thanks.

  11. Haha. Very creative of Nicholas. Wolf looks very pretty and is lucky to have such an attentive young friend. :-)

  12. Hi Ginie.
    Cute Wolf !!
    Nice to see you again !!
    jm or dib ;-)
    and yes, homeless Fox tell a lot of stories :o

  13. That is a magnificent wolf, and so well dressed :)

  14. That's just darling. He must have worked long and hard dressing up your lovely wolf.

  15. CS: Yes, Wolf is very lucky on all accounts :)

    DIB: With your Fox and my Wolf, we've got lots of stories to tell!

    DW: There's nothing better than a well-dressed Wolf :)

    Christina: It's funny--no one saw him do it so it wouldn't surprise me if he thought of it as he was walking down the stairs from his bedroom and then just spontaneously took them off himself and put them on Wolf. What a character!

  16. Hey, Ginnie, that's neat about Wolf and the beads and Nicholas! You gotta love what kids do -- sometimes opening our eyes to new aesthetics.

  17. Yes, as you know, Tim, kids are unbelievable. As the bumper sticker says, "If I had known it would be this fun, I would have been a grandparent first!"


Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...