Monday, March 13, 2006

Stuck On You

Ever since I heard last year that fruits and veggies will some day be tattooed instead of stickered to death, I've been fascinated by the stickers and actually started collecting them (as you see) both in Atlanta and here in Hannover.

These are the places of origin thus far: Belize, Brazil, California, Colombia, Costa Rica, Germany, Guatemala, Honduras, Israel, Italy, Mexico, New Zealand, Oregon, Panama, Peru.

Then I started thinking about all of us Bloggers and the stickers we would have on us if we had them. We are from all over tarnation, which I really like!

Here's where we're from: Canada (British Columbia, Manitoba, New Foundland and Labrador, Ontario, Quebec), Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Mexico, New Zealand, Spain, Switzerland, UK, USA (AK, CA, CT, DE, FL, GA, IA, KY, MD, ME, MI, MS, NY, PA, TN, TX, WI, WV).

Did I inadvertently miss anyone? If so, let me know and I'll add you.

It's a beautiful day in this neighborhood,
A beautiful day for a neighbor,
Would you be mine?
Could you be mine?

It's a neighborly day in this beautywood,
A neighborly day for a beauty,
Would you be mine?
Could you be mine?

I have always wanted to have a neighbor just like you,
I've always wanted to live in a neighborhood with you.

So let's make the most of this beautiful day,
Since we're together, we might as well say,
Would you be mine?
Could you be mine?
Won't you be my neighbor?

Won't you please,
Won't you please,
Please won't you be my neighbor?
(Mister Rogers' Neighborhood)


  1. I'm a Canadian citizen living in Toronto, but I was born in England (that's in the UK). So technically, I'm eligible for British citizenship and a UK passport. Good to know if I ever want to work in the EU.

  2. Mr. Fab: We ALL like you just the way you are!

    Gary: YES, you are definitely "eligible" for adding UK to the list. Done!

  3. Hi, Ginnie
    I was surprised to find you in the blogger pages. I am a brazilian man and I love a girl named Gizele, who I call simply Ginnie. She is beautiful, living in London.

    Congratulations for your page !!!



  4. I loved that colage. It's so cool and such a great shot actually. Funny that you had the mister rogers thing in there because I ended up catching that song last week as I was looking for another show in PBS. Ironic maybe...

  5. I love that collection! Cool idea.

    I just love Mister Rogers.

  6. H: I think you've just complimented me, so thank you :)

    Expat: And you've definitely complimented me! Thank you. Ironic indeed....

    Ruth: Ahh, yes. The memories. He was a great man who stuck to the essentials without too much hoopla. The fact that we remember him says a lot, don't you think?!

  7. I loved Mr. Rogers too - one of my very favourite shows.

    And your collection is wonderful! Trust you to come up with something like that and display it so nicely.

    And yes, wouldn't we all look funny with a sticker on us telling others where we came from. That would be hilarious. :-)

  8. I've been having trouble with blogger again, it seems. I've left a few comments today, and it didn't save them for some reason :( I guess Bluewin (our provider) was muting ;-).

    I agree with Christina. A "Made in ... " Sticker would be funny. I especially like the "Brian fuel" sticker you have. Ha!

  9. I love your collection of fruit stickers. The way you organized them for a photo is artistically appealing.

    And your collection of blogger friends of course is even better. And thanks for being one of my blogger friends.

  10. Ohdearlord! I use to collect banana stickers when I was a kid! And I used to put them on the underside of our kitchen table. No one knew it.

    Then when I was about 17 or 18 my parents got a new kitchen table and they discovered that the underside of the old one was covered in banana stickers. My dad nearly laughed himself into a coma when he saw it!

  11. Italian Kiwifruit *gasp* I love your collection :)

  12. Christina: I think I've always had a thing for stickers as far back as I can remember :)

    CS: So sorry you're still having blogger troubles, tho' it's been sporadic for me as well. That damn Mercury! But hopefully we'll all feel calmed down soon, esp. after the full-moon lunar eclipse tonight!

    Tim: The best collection is the blogger friends and you're one of them. Thanks!

    Dixie: I belly laughed over your fun story. Oh my. I wish we had a photo of THAT!

    DW: Indeed. I was so delighted to get the Zespri kiwi from NZ. Uh-oh. It's partly covered in the photo but see the Zespri on the bottom left side under the big red Honeydew sticker? That's from NZ! :) See, you're there. You're here.

  13. Oh!! What a wonderful idea! Would you mind if I borrowed it? Can I start collecting, too? That is soo right up my alley.

  14. I was just thinking, if we all did have "made in..." stickers on us, mine wouldn't say Canada on it because I was actually "made" when my parents were on vacation in Austria. This could get very complicated. :-)

  15. Christina's comment reminds me of the joke I heard about the mom and dad who would name their children after the place of conception. When their youngest figured this out, she had this conversation with her mother:

    "I know where Paris is and I know where Phoenix is. But I'm Mercedes. Where's that?"


  16. you always have the most interesting collections. i love the way these stickers look all collaged. it would make such a nice wall piece....or maybe if they were stuck all over a pole or a wall...

    now my mind is going everywhere. =)

    mister rogers was my favorite! that makes me happy.

  17. hey, don't forget italia!! we are some bloggin' fools over here :)

  18. Madretz: Absolutely not--I would NOT mind at all. Tho' I haven't seen it before, I can't imagine no one else has done it. Try it, you'll like it :)

    Christina: LOL. This is really getting quite hysterical.

    Mrs. M/Shari: I laughed so hard over this. Thanks for adding it to the comments!!

    Gustav: I thought of you, of course, even though it says the Danish Acorn is a product from Mexico! But it is still the biggest sticker to date.

    Lesley: Oh yes. You could really take off on this one, couldn't you! Maybe you could make facric with stickers as the design and then make a scarf or blouse out of it :) Ah, and Mister Rogers....

    Lisa: Kentucky, huh! I assume that's where you were from before moving to Aachen, then? OK, I guess I should have known that, so I'll add it to the list. I laughed out loud when I read the line about the "biggest things in [your] schedule." HA. You are way too funny.

    Tracie: ITALY. But of course!!!! I did that on purpose, of course, to force you to leave a comment :) Thanks.

  19. Actually, Gustav, I have never heard of them called DANISH Acorns. We call them acorn squash to differentiate them from other squash. It's my favorite kind of squash :)

    It IS funny what we call things that often have no rhyme or reason to what they actually are!.

  20. I just joined your blog today!!! My friend, Igrid, and I are reading, and uh... found ourselves singing as well!!! That was fun, thanks! Your neighbor and niece, Rachel

  21. Oh, Rachel!! I'm so glad you came by and commented. I actually was going to write you to "invite" you after seeing you at Ruth's site all the time. Thank you, thank you.

  22. What a good idea! I heard of many different hobbys but never from collecting stickers from the different fruits :) Makes fro an interesting post and a good photo.
    Best wishes - Neil

  23. Awww. Thanks, Neil. That means a lot coming from you!


Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...