Friday, August 11, 2006

Down On the Farm

(Ruth's photo, used with permission)

Okay, 'fess up. How many of you think of Kenny Chesney's She Thinks my Tractor's Sexy every time you see a tractor or think of the farm! HA! I do and that's probably 'fessing a lot :)

Anyhoo, Donica and I hop on a plane this afternoon from Atlanta to Detroit (no, not from London!) for my sister Ruth's and Don's Farm Day for the family. This is their 2nd time in 3 years to host a day on their farm but it's our first to attend. Practically the entire family will be there on Saturday, just like when at the cottage. Man! That's a lot of people! Those spending the night will be in tents, in the different barns/sheds, plus the house.

I can hardly wait to show you the pics. It's gonna be a riot. And as far as we can tell, the weather will be absolutely perfect: highs in the high 70's and lows in the 50's, with no precipitation. (Renny from Oslo is gonna love this since he and his family just went to a farm in Sweden!)

Oh yes, I'm quite sure Don will show off his tractor and probably try to get us to drive it ourselves, if we want. That's okay, Don. You're sexy enough on it all by yourself!

(No laptop for me!! But we'll be back on Sunday evening, so ciao for now! )


  1. Yippee!!

    Don't know if Don will pull the tractor out or not, guess we'll have to wait and see how the spirit moves. There will be lots of other activities: volleyball, croquet, four square, basketball, ping pong, eating, walking the maze, bonfire, making s'mores, hot tub, sidewalk chalk, decorating garden pavers, . . .

  2. That sounds wonderful, Ginnie! You're going to have so much fun. I love farms! There's always so much to chec-out and discover! I'd be in all the activities except the croquet (I can't work with a ball and a stick... And no patience. Just like golf.) and Ping Pong (No control. If.. IF I hit the darn ball, you'll run miles to get it).

    Have a great time!

  3. That sounds like lots of fun. Enjoy and tell us about it when you get back.

  4. Thanks for sharing and also for taging me Ginnie (I'll sure find a way to return the favore)! Yes I love farms and animals and everything that goes with it including driving tractors!
    Have a great vacation and end to your week:-)

  5. I'm sure you'll have a great time too. Can't wait until you get back and loved all the puns in this post!

  6. Ruth: I'm so glad you listed all the activities! And of course, now it's come and gone and I can hardly wait to start posting about all of it! IT WAS WONDERFUL!

    CS: I almost split a gasket reading your comment. You are such a hoot!


    Dennis: Thanks a million! The travels were safe and without incident. In fact, we got through security almost faster than normal, both coming and going. And as you'll see, I'll just have to tell you about the concert :)

    Tim: I will!

    Renny: No animals on this farm but everything else was definitely there. I can hardly wait to show you :)

    Mr. Fab: I could hardly believe how wonderful it felt to sleep with the windows open and to be outside playing and sitting around feeling comfortably cool. THE WEATHER WAS GREAT THE ENTIRE WEEKEND!

    ET: We got back by 11p last night and plopped into bed, exhausted. Then first thing this morning I went with Donica to the doctor's for her second steroid injection. Later this afternoon I go to babysit Nicholas. So my window of opportunity right now is slim for even looking at all my photos, let alone sorting them. But I've got the rest of my life, right?!


Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...