Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Then and Now

First things first! Even before showing you exactly how sexy the tractor really is, Farm Day created a memory that runs as deep as the ages. ALL 7 OF US SIBS WERE THERE! This doesn't even happen at the cottage each year, so this was BIG.

(r to l) Nelson, Susan, Boots (moi), Nancy, Bennett, Jim, John & Ruth

Remember this "then" photo from 1962! You had to appreciate Dad's humor. He took great delight in calling us his step-children. All 8 of us. Nelson (now 64) and little Ruthie (who turns 50 next week!) were our bookends.

(r to l) Nelson, Susan, Boots (moi), Nancy, Jim, John & Ruth

Since I was the "unofficial official" photographer at Farm Day, I made sure nephew Paul took a "now" photo. Of course, it had to be a step photo!

Bennett was there. You just don't see him. I remember reading a poem after he died about another woman who lost a brother from a family of 8 kids. I wish like the dickins I could find it but basically she said "there are 8 of us." Always in the present tense.

So, here we are, from whence all else comes. HA. I'm still sorting through the photos (have them down to 627 from 822). All in all, there were 34 of us on Saturday! That's a tribe by any stretch of the imagination, then OR now!


  1. Great then and now step photos! You must be having a great time. Enjoy!

  2. I love then and now pictures like this

  3. Tim: HA. I'm now down to 522 pics (that means I've deleted 300 thus far!). But yes, I'm definitely enjoying the "second blessing!"

    Peter: I do, too! Wait till you see all the rest of the pics!! Some good ones of you and the rest of the family. So hard to decide which ones to keep and which to delete!! Decisions, decisions.

  4. This is so awesome! I love how you placed the photos so I can see both in one screen, to compare. Gives me big smiles.

    Can't wait to see the rest!

  5. What a beautiful family. I love your sentiment regarding Bennett. I'm sure he was there.

  6. Looks like Ruth is REALLY at the end of the stairs ;-) I love this post, Ginnie, and I can't wait to hear more about all the fun you had on the farm... and see the 300or so picts, of course :-)

  7. What a great before and after photoes - your so creative Ginnie - thanks for sharing this special moments. One can really see you are siblings too!
    Looking forward to some of the tribe pics:-)

  8. What a great picture! It's saved for a print to be framed tomorrow...

    I don't know when the last picture like this was done.

    I love looking at the shoes-Uncle Nelson is the official "old man" with his white socks!! :) HA!!

    Can't wait to see the rest!

  9. Ruth: What strikes me most about the 2 photos is the change in our heights over the years. More like a roller-coaster curve now :)

    Jozee: Yes, Bennett was there! As we were all lining up, I said to myself, "And that's where Bennett would go, in between Nancy and Jim!"

    CS: How did you know 300 was the magic number! Today I plan to publish the album of the get-together and will link to it probably tomorrow.

    Renny: It's so funny because while we were growing up, we always said no one would believe we were from the same family. There were redheads, blondes and brunettes! But we definitely have some of the same expressions and mannerisms.

    Mrs. M/Shari: Aww. I didn't think about printing it but that would be a good idea for the cottage fridge! Nelson is very definitely the non-hip "old man" in his white sox and black shoes. Kinda makes you shudder, right :) But he sure makes up for it in what he knows about everything else, right?!

  10. He is definitely incredible!

    After I left the shoe comment, I was noticing everyone's--I think each person's shoes match their individual personae. It's kind of funny!

  11. I noticed Ruth's toes hanging off the edge yesterday. Adds a whimsical touch!

  12. wow - that is so nice and so cool. At times I want to have many children because I never get gatherings or other family gatherings like that because my family that sees me is so small. I guess my wedding of 21 was big for us!

  13. Mrs. M/Shari: HAHA. I think you're probably right about the shoes/personae observation :)

    Jozee: We almost "whimsically" shoved her off the step. Just for fun, of course :)

    ET: Every time I hear a comment like that, I'm reminded about the gift we have in such a large family. And every single person is important! Can't imagine being without any of us, though it's bound to happen eventually.

  14. I was a bit worried about falling off that step, I'll tell you. But we HAD to keep our left arms down at our sides, the same as the '62 photo, so I couldn't hold on to John! (I was holding on to the post though.)

  15. I was wondering about that. Maybe more whimsical for the viewer!
    Glad no one was hurt in the taking of this picture.

  16. This is GREAT!

    Can Ruth sign my copy?

  17. Ruth: I knew you had the post to hang on to so I didn't worry a bit :)

    Jozee: I definitely liked her right foot dangling off, tempting the fates!

    Jeff: WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG! Ha--I've been waiting for you all this time. (I won't tell Ruth--again--that you have this "thing" for her :)


Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...