Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Network of Memories

Submitted to Tuesdays Photos for the theme: NETWORK

First of all, I don't mean to freak you out by a photo of my (aged) hand, but see the itty-bitty band next to the big one? That's my mom's wedding ring.

When Mom died in 1997, we 4 "step-sisters" decided to share her ring amongst us by wearing it for periods of time and then passing it on. We've got it down to a science by now: Susan wore it for a year and gave it to me on Farm Day for my turn. Next year I'll pass it on to Nancy; then Nancy will pass it on to Ruth. The cycle will then repeat itself.

Interestingly, that night at The Farm when Susan gave it to me (and I couldn't sleep!), it dawned on me (for the first time!) that each of us 4 sisters has one daughter each. There will be a time, if they so wish, to pass the baton on to them, to keep their grandma-memory alive.

So with this ring, Mom/G'ma, we keep you wedded to our spirits. There is very definitely a network of memories wound up in that one small symbol, passed on from generation to generation!


  1. Rather than put this in the post, do you realize how hard it is to take a pic of your right hand holding a right-handed camera with your left hand?! I had never thought of this before--that the shutter is on the right side of the camera. So how do you left-handers feel about that?

  2. I had forgotten that you all continued to wear G'Ma's ring! What a wonderful way to keep her spirit with you.

  3. Reading your post while looking at the photo of your (beautiful) hand I reminisced about weddings I heard Dad perform, in which he talked about the significance of the ring as a circle that never ends. I'll bet in our parents' marriage ceremony they never anticipated that this wedding circle would not only wed them for 50+ years, but also wed their daughters and granddaughters. I love that.

  4. Amy: I had almost forgotten as well since it's been 3 years. But it all came back!

    Ruth: Oh my. You have just taken this to the next glorious, soulful level for me! Thank you.

  5. That is so eerie you would write about this. Just the other day Laura and I were talking about G'ma's ring and I realized the same thing about the 4 daughters each having one daughter!

    I felt exactly the same way, that we should continue the tradition our mothers began!

  6. Mrs. M/Shari: Wow, Shari. I like your profile pic! That IS eerie about you thinking of the same thing re G'ma's ring. You'd be the first of the 4 grandgirls to receive it :) Then Amy, Jennifer and Lesley. I then thought of the grandgirls from my brothers, like Rachel, who would probably also want to wear G'ma's ring. That would add a whole new mix, wouldn't it! Almost too complicated. Maybe it makes sense to stick with just you 4....

  7. Very nice resolution to what could have become a dilemma. Everyone's happy and a lovely tradition as well.

    Yes, it is hard to photograph one's working hand isn't it? Nice capture and your hand is lovely!

  8. wow - that is so powerful and wonderful. I don't think I'd be able to sleep either!

  9. Jozee: A nice resolution indeed!

    ET: It really is a great thing for all of us.

  10. Nice and soulful photo. But now, we have another mystery to solve. Do they make the Canon PowerShot S serie for left-handed people? MMM.... We will have to investigate... :)

  11. A worthy and beautiful tradition. It's neat that it has the potential to be passed on to the next generation.

  12. What a great tradition! I hope it's one that continues for generations.

  13. MP: I had never thought of that for ANY brand of cameras! Maybe left-handers have no problems with the shutter on the right side because it doesn't take much effort. If you find out something, let me know :)

    Tim: I totally agree!

    Dixie: Awww. Wouldn't THAT be something!

  14. Awesome photo, post and momento for the challenge, Ginnie.


Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...