Tuesday, October 18, 2005


I totally forgot to add one of the happiest Magic Moments of yesterday's trip back to Germany, but then, it deserves it's own post, so I'm glad.

While on the plane to Paris, minutes before take-off, a little child several rows back started singing the A-B-C song, quite loudly, repeated a couple of times, and to the delight of us all!

It reminded me of the last time I babysat grandson Nicholas a couple weeks ago. He wanted to show me how he could write the A-B-Cs and had to sing the song several times to remember what letter came next. I didn't have the heart to tell him his 'J' was backwards. It was just way too cute to change. Besides, his teacher or Mommy will correct him soon enough.

Talk about Magic. Almost everything about that boy is enchanting. Amy told us that he wet his pants while on the tire swing at daycare after school the other day and then lied about it to Daddy. First of all, if I were on the tire swing and ten thousand kids would grab it if I got off to go potty, I'd undoubtably wet my pants too! He wasn't punished for that. But both Daddy and Mommy agreed that he'd lose his Star Wars privileges for the rest of the week because he lied. I asked Amy if he "got" it and did he show any remorse? Absolutely, on both accounts. I told Donica we need to get out the set of books we have on honesty, sharing, etc. Time to start reading those to him.

Speaking of Donica, while I was flying to Germany yesterday, she was flying first to Amsterdam and then Barcelona. She told me last night that she'll come back on Friday instead of next Monday. After re-counting her days here in Germany for the year, she decided she can risk those 2 more days without going over her 6-month allottment (after 6 months, she'd have to pay taxes to Germany!). It's not just counting backwards but ahead to the rest of when she'll need to be here this year.

So I'm a very happy camper all around!

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Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...