Friday, October 21, 2005

Finding My Muse

To give credit where credit is due, I need to share some new-found Inspiration with you.

It started with Nate suggesting I get some kind of site meter to track who comes and goes here at my site. Something fun to see. Indeed! It's not like Big Brother watching you, seriously, but more like curiosity killing the cat.

Anyway, bloggers "hit" each other all the time as they just happen across each others' paths. In the process, I have found several interesting tips and tidbits, all of which I've put into my pipe to smoke.

One site in particular, Prairie Girl, has been a great motivator for learning my camera and PhotoShop better and has been a resource for all kinds of links to further my photographic journey. She, like Ted Roth, has been pure, unadulterated I-N-S-P-I-R-A-T-I-O-N.

I want to find my muse--that creative, artistic, passionate side of who I am, not somebody else. Who am I and what makes me tick? How can I carve out my own path and hear the beat of a different drummer? And how can/will that show up in my photography?!

Bear with me if I go a bit crazy these days. I feel like a kid in a candy shop! As I go out on my walks, I'm starting to see things in a different way and am creating a million posts in my head with their accompanying photos (like the one above).

Should the time come when I hit a slump (it will), please feel free to remind me of today!

[Donica comes to Hannover tonight after a day in Amsterdam, following a week in Barcelona! Yaaay!]

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Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...