Friday, October 28, 2005

The Little Munchkins

A couple of blocks behind our apartment is the Evangelical Lutheran Jacobikirche (St. Jacobi church). The original church was built in 1150! But after years of wars (not WWI or WWII), it was rebuilt in 1782.

To give you perspective, here's a shot of the back corner of the church in what seems, to me, to be an out-of-the-way spot. But as you see, there they are! These two little sets of Munchkins set into the wall. So easy to miss if you weren't paying attention.

Since I don't have a clue who/what they are, I asked Uschi, our landlady, hoping she'd know? But NO. She grew up in the church and even got married there but doesn't know who they are. But now she, too,wants to know and will try to research it for me.

Today was the farmer's market out on the side street by the church and when that happens, every Friday morning, the church is open. So in I went and took scads of photos. A very nice lady told me in German (and wrote it down for Uschi to translate) that the "munchkins" were built with the church in 1782 and not added later. So now I at least know that much.

But who are they and do they have names?? Anyone out there have a clue?

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful shots! Thanks for sharing.

    Thanks also for your kind comment on my blog :-)

    Best wishes,


Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...