Tuesday, October 11, 2005

National COMING OUT Day

Today is the day of the on-going campaign to empower gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and allied Americans to live openly and honestly about their lives. This all started on October 11, 1987, when half a million people participated in the March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights.

This past Sunday was the day many churches drew attention to this annual event. My older brother in Michigan sent me 2 litanies from their church service:

Call to Worship

One: In the beginning God came out
All: through the heavens, the earth, and all of creation.
One: The Children of Israel came out of the bondage of Egypt
All: into the land of God's promise.
One: God came out of a closet of laws and commandments
All: through the door of love in the person of Jesus.
One: Today God comes out in the voices and stories of the poor,
All: the displaced, the oppressed in our midst.
One: Today we worship this out God who loves us boldly and accepts us gladly.
All: Today we come out to praise our God and speak of our love for one another.


Prayer for Mercy and Forgiveness (by Gail Dekker)
For those who fear us, for those who despise us,
for those who love the sinner but hate the sin,
God of Compassion, hear our prayer.
For those who know but can't come out,
for those who know but won't come out,
for those who keep their knowing at the edges of their consciousness,
God of Integrity, hear our prayer.
For those in the church who want to cleanse parishes and denominations of our presence,
for those in the church who are uncomfortable and vocal,
for those who are uncomfortable and silent,
God of Wisdom, hear our prayer.
For those who practice sexual fascism, whatever their own orientation,
God of Mercy, hear our prayer.
For those who quiet the slurs,
for those who challenge the stereotypes,
for those whose embrace excludes no one,
God of Justice, hear our prayer.
There are different gifts, but it is the same God who gives them.
There are many sexualities, but it is the same God who bestows them all.
God of Joy, hear our prayer. Amen.

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