Monday, November 14, 2005


I FOUND IT! My own Atlanta, Lake Lanier tiergarten just 8 miles from home, which by Atlanta's time and distance standards is essentially in my backyard. As in Hannover our last trip, when I ventured out all around our neighborhood with camera in hand, I am venturing out here at home. After 7 years in this house, it's about time, don't you think!

All the things I love! Water, trees, fallen leaves, woods, paths, walkways, shorelines, benches, bridges, stone steps. You name it.

Not a hike I'd take a blind person on, mind you (too many stones/roots on the paths), nor would it be a brisk-walker's choice. But it is a good workout if you're looking for sweat. Everytime I went down the stairs I said, "Ginnie, you realize you're gonna have to walk back up these!" To which I'd respond with, "And your point is?"

My cup is full to overflowing. And in the quietness of my Soul's filling, I remembered you who would have come along for the ride!


  1. Beautiful. Thanks for sharing and thanks for visiting!

  2. Thanks, Mar and PG. The smell of autumn is definitely part of the beauty of a place like this. And that makes me realize how "sensual" Fall is. Thank God for our senses--all of them!

  3. This is the kind of place I love to get to go to. Especially the shoreline, beaches and woods. I miss the water so much and keep scheming for ways to get to the ocean.

  4. This looks like a fun road to hike......I would love to do it once......

  5. Moose: It's been 3 years since you wrote that and I wonder how many times you have been to the ocean again! A LOT, I hope!!

    Astrid: When you come to see us in Atlanta, I will take you there, MLV! It's a MUST! Bedankt for finding this post! :)


Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...