Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Halloween's Face

Amy's photos were sent to me while I slept last night (6 hours behind Hannover time) and were awaiting me when I woke up this morning. True to her promise! She knows I hate it when I miss these milestones.

The lit-up pumpkin picture didn't turn out, so I'm having to use my imagination on that last pumpkin-carving post. But here's Darth Vader! Ugh! Seeing my 5-year-old grandson looking like Darth Vader in miniature is a bit too creepy for me. However, when I saw him laser-playing with his fellow Vader friend, with the playful smiles underneath, I relaxed (Nicholas is on the right, the smaller of the two, even though a couple months older). Then I wondered if this was the "it" costume this year.

Underneath the masks we all wear, I wonder what we really look like? Wouldn't it be nice to think that more often than not they're smiling, having-fun faces!

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Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...