Thursday, November 24, 2005

Strut Your Stuff

For all us turkeys still glad to be alive, HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

My understanding is Canada and the USA are the only two countries in the world that observe this Thanksgiving holiday, even though on different dates and for different reasons. So to my newfound Canadian friends, a belated HAPPY THANKSGIVING to you as well.

To all of you who visit this blog on a regular basis, I give my thanks. You have made my day over and over again. Like the Hannover Zoo turkeys above, roaming free in their habitat, I wish for all of us a place and a time to "strut our stuff" in fullness of joy and peace.

Amen and so be it!

[Donica and I will celebrate the veritable feast at her mom's in south Atlanta today, watching football and enjoying family. My kids (with Nicholas) will celebrate with their dad and step-mom. On Sunday, we'll join the kids at Amy's house for post-Thanksgiving cards and movies. Ah, yes--the traditions of Thanksgiving: Family, food and fun!]


  1. Poor turkeys, they are so cute... SOB. And thanks for your late wishes. I think Thanksgiving is less popular here than in the USA.

  2. I think you're probably right, MP, about the difference in popularity between our two countries. As you know, it is very big here but the older I get, the closer it seems to Christmas each year. It would make much more sense to have ours in October, like yours! Spread it out a bit :)


Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...