Saturday, November 05, 2005

How Rich are We?

On my way to Gate E76 in Paris yesterday, I passed this UNICEF donation box and thought, WOW! That's a lot of money. Somebody's rich!

An hour later, before boarding my plane to Atlanta, I had the most comprehensive security search of my life (mind you, I had already passed through the main security check point!) and realized I AM RICH!

The lady pain-stakingly went through everything in my backpack and purse with a fine-toothed comb: my computer and cables, my cell phone, calculator, electric shaver ("Is this yours?" Yes), camera, coin purse, wallet. Then she searched ME: shoes, belt, hair, armpits, all around my breasts, and the whole spread-eagle thing, including the soles of my socked feet. The only place she didn't check was my privates (so now I know where to hide "it" the next time!).

Little ol' retired, 60-year-old, redheaded, American Ginnie! And I fit the profile?? (I know, I know--where/when you least expect it!) All the while, I was calm, cool and collected ("She's just doing her job!" I said to myself). That's when I realized I am the one who's rich...and with both ears, eyes, arms, legs and breasts!

Someone once said that anyone who has CHOICE is rich: choice of clothes to wear, food to eat, car to drive, where to live, college to attend, brand of computer and camera, spouse, etc.

So, check it out and find out where you fit in the wealth of this world! Just exactly how rich are you? And do you feel as rich as you are??


  1. This was an amazing experience to go to the richlist site. Thank you. BTW I donated.


  2. Yes, quite educational, Ruth! And I thought it quite forward-thinking of them to then facilitate donating. Made sense!


Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...