Thursday, June 29, 2006

Blog-Vacation Time!

Yup! It's that time for our annual drive to the Hart Family Cottage in Michigan for the Fourth of July holiday reunion. Yaaaay!

Donica, Amy, Nicholas and I (sans Mark, who had to change plans at the last minute) will leave in a rented mini-van around 6p this evening, driving through the night the 850 miles from Atlanta to Horseshoe Lake.

We always stop outside of Chattanooga, TN, to pick up the prerequisite fireworks for our Big Bang night (probably Sunday this year). We always switch off drivers (and sleeping). We always stop at the cemetery to honor Mom and Dad. And we always stop at the roadside fish shop near the lake to pick up smoked whiting. Even Nicholas knows this is a Tradition.

Once there, we'll be totally in R&R mode. No Internet connection (except minimally on Donica's laptop for work--no rest for the weary!). No blogging. No e-mailing. Just lots of gabbing, resting, watching, absorbing, eating, laughing, reading, swimming, playing, taking pics...and BEING.

Anyway, happy holiday wishes to everyone who celebrates July 4th or any other such event this weekend. God willing and the creek don't rise, we'll be back on the 4th.


  1. Have a safe, relaxing, wonderful vacation! Can't wait to hear about it when you get back.

  2. I love all your family traditions. Hope you have a lovely time. Canadians will be celebrating Canada Day on Saturday.

  3. Have nice holidays, Ginnie! Spend nice time with your friends, family and loved ones!

  4. Have a safe drive and DO relax. I hope you have a great time!

    Uh, you know what? It will finally give me the time to go through the posts I've missed this week (we have guests from Holland). ;-)

  5. Have a great trip! We celebrate the 1st of July which is Canada day here. :)

  6. Enjoy! There's something to be said for a holiday or vacation in which one leaves most or much modern technology behind.

  7. I love that phrase "God willing and the creek don't rise"!! I saw a play with that title last March in a small town in Nova Scotia and it was wonderful!

    Anyhow... Ginnie... enjoy just BEING! (I love that too!)

  8. I'm sure you will have a wonderful time. I'm late with this as I've been as Canadianswiss says, this break will give me time to catch up :)

  9. Hi Ginnie, have a good break :)

    All the best Neil

  10. looking forward to seeing your photos when you get back.

  11. So tomorrow is the Fourth! I wish you the best of Hollidays! And come back soon in the nice bloggerworld! :)

  12. Thanks to each and every one of you for your travel best-wishes. I am now back home safe-n-sound and will, of course, start blogging again...posting and catching up on all of your own blogs.

    Ah yes: "the nice bloggerworld!"

  13. Hey, I've just come across this post while reading your archives. We've got the same laptop!


Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...