Friday, June 09, 2006

Let the Games Begin!

2006 FIFA World Cup™ Hamburg Berlin Hanover Gelsenkirchen Dortmund Leipzig Cologne Frankfurt Kaiserslautern Stuttgart Nuremberg Munich

Click above to visit Germany's 12 Host Cities of 2006 FIFA World Cup™. From Hamburg to Munich, there are so many things to be discovered!

World Cup 2006 in Germany
From the German government

Soccer in Germany
From the German Foreign Office

Official World Cup site

German Tourist Office
Start planning your trip now!

I'm sorry, but you just CAN'T be in Europe right now and NOT (yes, that's a double negative!) get into the World Cup 2006 football/fussball games starting today and lasting a month. Soccer by any other name.

When we left the London Stansted airport after our cruise on Wednesday, there were signs and photos and brochures and pamphlets everywhere. One brochure in particular was about Avoiding Penalties: "Nazi salutes are illegal and anyone caught making them will be arrested. Goose-stepping will get the same response. Keep your distance or move away from any fans who appear to be acting in a provocative or violent way."

DUH! I guess it needs to be spelled out!?!

Hannover's first game of the tournament is next Tuesday, June 12th, for which we have tickets (see #2 on map). I actually feel guilty about having them since so many GERMANS would give anything to get them. But it's all by "lottery" and Donica made 3 tries before getting hers. The tickets are actually connected to our passports, which we have to show upon arrival. Apparently there is a transfer process possible to another person and you can find tickets on eBay going for astronomical prices (one ticket for the final game in Berlin on July 9 is already at $3500). Donica and I jokingly said we could have paid for our cruise!

BTW, the DHL courier who brought the tickets to our front door in Atlanta a couple weeks back was so excited to hear about our game. He used to play soccer in college. I told him I'd take a souvenir back to him. Hmmm. Wonder what it'll be! What would YOU want if you were he?

Anyway, assuming the USA doesn't have a chance at winning, who are YOU rooting for (if you care)? Inquiring minds and all.


  1. Our Int'l Center on campus (where Inge works) is showing the games on a big screen all month! Inge of course hopes Germany wins today. How fun that you get to go to a game!

  2. Inge should be happy right now: we just watched Germany beat Costa Rica, 4-2. One down!

  3. ALL we heard on BBC1 while traveling was about their player's broken foot and whether he would be allowed to play by the doctors!!

    Do you know the verdict? I was amazed how into it people were in the UK!!

  4. The Germany Costa Rica game is only being shown now...I know the outcome already, but it is still great to watch. I can't believe Ecuador's win over Poland! Unexpected.

    You will be watching that Hannover game on my birthday, think of me, heh. :) Thanks for that map link.

  5. MP: So sad but Canada did NOT qualify! I would have liked to see them play.

    Mrs.M/Shari: So glad you made it back safely! No, I haven't heard anything about the UK, other than seeing all the "be carefuls" while they're in Germany.

    DW: Uh-oh. Maybe I need to be careful and not give out scores. Don't want to spoil it for anyone who sees the game in play-back (never thought of that!). Ecuador was ahead when we went to bed. Wow. That win WAS unexpected.

    And yes, I KNOW it's your birthday on Monday. I'll celebrate for you. Just tell me who you want to win at the Italy-Ghana game!

  6. Italy :) although I don't really mind. I have just been watching the videos on that site you've linked to...wonderful. I have just had a tour of Hannover.

  7. DW: I've been saying Italy all along and then just yesterday I read an article about the "against all odds" situation the African countries go through to make it. I often root for the underdog, so I guess I'll be happy either way. I did notice that South Africa hosts the World Cup in 2010. WooHoo!

    James: We watched it, too! Very exciting.

  8. I don't really root for anyone. The whole winner/loser thing makes me sort of uncomfortable 'cause I just want EVERYONE to come out a winner. :-)

    But it is exciting to watch the games and hear the commentary afterwards and the "football fever" certainly is contageous.

  9. Christina: I know what you mean! If MICHIGAN isn't in the game (ha, or even my nemesis, MICHIGAN STATE), it usually doesn't matter to me who wins. I just like watching the game.

    Jeff: HAHAHAHA! You and Mr. Fab!

  10. We're watching the game Holland vs. Serbia-Montenegro (well, OrangeX is) I'm not that much into soccer ;-)

  11. I'm watching that right now too!

    I'd think anything like the ticket stub to something small that shows world cup for that courier guy would be way cool. A poster. Everything I saw was pricey in my mind though..

  12. CS: Orange-X should be one happy guy! The game just ended a few minutes ago and the Netherlands won, 1-0. Yeah!

    ET: This World Cup "connection" kinda reminds me of the full moon--being able to see it all over the world by different people at the same time :)

    And thanks for the idea for the DHL guy. I'll keep my eyes peeled open for anything. You're right that sometimes even the smallest things are appreciated.

  13. I'm so excited that you're going to see a game in person with Donica. I can't wait to hear how you like it.

    I always watch every game of the World Cup. Even teams I'm not terribly interested in, I'll still have the game on.

  14. Dixie: I'll definitely let you know! Donica isn't feeling totally well--a chest cold--so I'm hoping she'll be able to enjoy it more than not.


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