Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Homeward Bound

Christina and I had such a lovely rendezvous yesterday in Hannover's City Center. We really like each other and have committed to a rendezvous each trip I'm in Germany, as often as possible. Unbeknownst to me, we met on the 3rd Annual International Webloggers Day, June 14th. How appropriate!

Today I start another circuitous route back to Atlanta from Hannover, this time via Duesseldorf by train this morning, arriving at noon. I meet up with James and his partner, M, at my Inter-City Hotel next to the train station, and from there will walk into Old Town for lunch together. Another blogger rendezvous! I then plan to spend the afternoon and evening exploring Duesseldorf before I go to bed and wake up tomorrow for my early flight to Atlanta.

In the meantime, World Cup fever is everywhere in Germany! Yesterday, while I waited for Christina outside the Hannover train station, Tunesia and Saudi Arabia fans were heating things up. After a little fan rally, they walked into the train station for their ride to Munich for their 6p match. By now we know it was a 2-2 draw.

This is serious stuff, folks! And we're not even halfway through the tournament! Miles to go before we sleep. After the Tunisia-Saudi Arabia game, Germany beat Poland, 1-0.

Donica stays behind in Hannover, flying home next week. Her original ticket often gets changed for work but also gets paid by work! If I could have changed my ticket to coincide with hers, we'd be out almost $800 because of the World Cup shenaningans, instead of the typical $50-75 change-fee. Needless to say, we left things as they are!

Okay. See you soon from Atlanta, watching the World Cup there at much earlier hours than while in Germany!


  1. I am glad you all had such enjoyable rendezvous(pl?).

    I really love the way everyone dresses up, cuts hair:) to support their teams. I saw the Germany v Poland game - Poland played an excellent game and can be proud of their performance. We are up at night - early morning to watch the games.

    Have a safe flight back to Atlanta.

  2. I was at a birtday party last night, but the TV sure was on, so we had a chance to follow the game, too. Have a good and safe trip home!

  3. hope your trip is safe. I guess theres so much to catch up on, especially a change in weather...

    Can't wait for the next post!

  4. DW: It really is a riot what fans do to root for their teams. I love it. And yes, I had 2 great rendezvous (yes, sing. and pl. :). Thanks. I'm in my Duesseldorf hotel with the England/Trinidad & Tobago game on in the background. I know you want England to win, so I'm rooting for them :)

    CS: Even people who don't like soccer or sports (like James) are watching. It's a world thing, I guess!

    ET: Thanks for travel wishes, all of you. I think you all get me here and then back home again!


Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...