Saturday, October 07, 2006

Expats for a Day

Between here and there (Vancouver Island and LA), I have 6 wonderful, free, Internet hours with my laptop here in my hotel room, while waiting for my flight to see Judy and Dave in LA. I've decided to use this time to make a post of our time with Expat Traveler (ET) yesterday!

In a word, it was GLORIOUS! Everything about it. We drove off the BC ferry at 12:15p and drove straight to ET and P's house 15 min. away. How very special to be welcomed to their home, meeting them both for the first time, before we 3 girls went on our merry way to see the sights. Before we left, however, I told ET I just had to take a pic of where she sits when she writes her posts. That's the posed-unposed shot of her above (ha).

Then P was "told" to come join her for another "posed-unposed" shot since the lighting there was spectacular, under a "ginormous" skylight. Are they just the cutest couple or what! I knew that shot would be better than when we met later at 7p for dinner.

While Donica drove, ET then became our fabulous tour guide around the world-class international city of Vancouver. One of our first stops was at this suspension foot-bridge over a waterfall chasm. Donica, bless her, afraid of heights, still took a few steps before turning back--just to say she did it. Here (above) ET and I are standing at the middle of the bridge, where a nice gentleman kindly took our pic.

Later, just to show that Donica was such a good sport with us, we stepped into this great shop where I was able to capture her with ET. Donica is always a happy camper when she can shop! BTW, ET is the first in my Blogger Neighborhood to meet Donica. She, Donica, fit right in! After all, she's "met" ET through her comments on my blog.

In the last hour before dinner, while the sun was setting, we visited the Queen Elizabeth park where ET and P were married last December. Months ago I had seen these bronze statues in her wedding album and had told her I'd LOVE to see them some day. Did I really believe I would?! So incredibly soulful.

Which I guess is the other good word for the day: Glorious AND Soulful. The sun was shining; ET had the day off and was so ready and willing to guide us; we had incredible food (Thai for lunch; their wedding-reception restaurant for dinner where P and I had lamb!); so many great sights, all of which I'll include in an album later (along with all the other albums from Vancouver Island!).

Thank you, dear ET (and P), for a piece of your life for a day. We'll never forget it!

Now I gear up for my short visit in Los Angeles with Judy and Dave, Dennis' parents. I do NOT anticipate having any Internet access till I get home late Tuesday evening. So till then, carry on carrying on!


  1. How lovely! I'm thrilled that you all had such a good time.

    That bridge is really something, isn't it? I've been persuaded to go over twice and did NOT enjoy it.

    And yes, ET and P are the cutest couple! As are you and Donica, of course :-)

  2. What a great time y'all had together. I love that you were able to make this visit!

  3. Thanks for sharing of your travels. It's good to hear of the great time you and Donica are having with your friends. Carry On!

  4. Yeah!!! What an incredible post Ginnie! It was a glorious and wonderful day. I enjoyed every minute of it too. And P just can't stop talking about it either.

    Funny that you were still in town because pasted by the airport again today while going to the Bird Sanctuary.

    IT's wonderful that you got to pass your time with internet access and uploading photos. I'm still working on it...

    And since the clouds are setting in, I'm only dreaming of that moon we saw before eating last night!!!

    What a time... We definitely enjoyed it and had as much fun as you both did! :)

  5. Wow. What a fantastic time you guys had! Incredible people + beautiful sights + great food = incredible day. What more could one ask for :-)

    Looking forward to seeing your album.

  6. Nothing better than sharing life with wonderful friends. And you take the cake and eat it too in that regard! I'm inspired by how you get together around the world with your friends. A very nice-looking couple they are. Fun to see ET outside her profile photo! :)

  7. Ohh what an exciting read and I'm envious! I'm sure ET was a great guide and you really seams to have a good time. You even manage to get P in a pictures - yes, they look like a great couple - cute:-)
    Have a continuing great travel - say hello from Norway to Denni's parents - and a safe trip home!
    In the mean time, yes: I'm carry on:-)


Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...