Friday, October 27, 2006

The Green Fair Chair

Empty green chair on the ferris wheel.

The theme for Tuesdays Photos this week is GREEN. So this is my chance to hit 2 birds with one stone and tell you about our county fair 2 weekends ago, before we left for Hannover.

You know that Nicholas is 6 years old. This is our FIFTH time to take him to our county fair held in October. By now, weeks before it's time, he'll be asking, "When's the fair, G'ma?" We get so tickled because if you could have seen the fearful expressions on his face the first year (he was just 2 + 3 months old) compared to now, you'd see the transformation. Now he wants to go on rides that he's not tall enough for!

This year for the first time they had an alpine ski ride that took you the full length of the fair, 30 minutes round trip. Since Donica is afraid of heights, I was the lucky one to go with Nicholas, twice: once at the beginning (around 5p when it was still light) and once at the end when it was already dark. Lots of pics from a different vantage point, which you can see in the photo album. The pic above, for instance was taken almost at eye level of the ferris wheel.

The green chair is full!

Later, Nicholas and I rode the ferris wheel together, just so you know he really was there! But we were in the blue chair, which happens to be his favorite color.

Donica gets to ride the stomach-churning rides with him. Well, maybe not any more! After 3 of them, she had to "puke!" I tell you this because it's all part of the fair. Nothing to be embarrassed about, right? When I told Nicholas I couldn't ride some of the rides because they would make me vomit, he asked me what 'vomit' was. When I went through the motions, he said, "Oh! Puke!"

So now we have to wait another year before we figure out who needs to go with us to ride on the stomach-churning rides with a 7-year-old boy. Someone who won't puke! Someone who will gladly leave the green and blue chairs to Donica and me!


  1. Oh, I can't handle those rides either. Loved the pictures though!

  2. Wonderful post and great pics as always Ginnie - and how exciting.
    I liked Nicholas comments to your non embarrassed statements - children are always so to the point you know.
    Wish you a lovely weekend and are looking forward to new travel adventures from you:-)

  3. Tim: HA. We birds of a feather need to stick together!

    Renny: Kids really ARE straight to the point, aren't they! Donica said, "I sure hope you didn't take a picture of that!" Of course not, but we can definitely talk about it :)

  4. I know two people that would gladly join Nicholas on the stomach-churning rides. Nope, not me, but OrangeX and Thomas, my Ex.

    As a matter of fact, the Basler Herbstmesse (Basel Autumn Fair) just started. We're off this Wednesday, so I might just try to arrange something so that Orange doesn't have to go on the wild rides alone. We girls can will just stay with both feet on the ground and watch :-)

  5. Oooh, reading that made me a little bit queasy! No roller coasters for this girl. Nicholas must have a stomach of steel!

  6. ah such a cute post and lovely pics. Nicholas is getting so big! I want to go to the fair. There is a herbfest or something like that in Basel every year going on right now. CS and ORange said they were going but I'm not sure if they took photos. I went there and loved it and only want to go back....

    We have one here but I'm not a fan of it.

  7. CS: Well, then. We'll just have to get you to visit us here in Atlanta next October! Wouldn't THAT be splendid. I'm sure you'll let us know if you get to yours there this week. Please.

    Christina: Did all of us have stomachs of steel when we were little? I didn't go to a fair till I was an adult, so I don't know. But yes, Nicholas definitely has one thus far.

    ET: Every time I see pics of Nicholas now I DO think about how big he's getting. A lot of that little-boy look is gone. In fact, I look at his hands a lot and see them as "old soul" hands. Seriously.

  8. Haha! I'm glad I'm back to see this! We talked about this when I went with my daughter this summer. I went through your photo album and this is really fun! I'm sure Nicholas will be tall enough next year to try some new ones! :O)

  9. That's what we're afraid of, Clo! And who will ride with him!!!

  10. Hmmm... I think if he's tall enough to go in the big ones, he must be tall enough to go with one of his friend, or a cousin. That's what we did with my daughter when she was old enough to go in the big ones. Of course, it was out of question that I went with her! :O)

  11. HA, Clo. We are already working on this dilemma for next October. Hopefully we'll figure it out by then. :)


Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...