Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Putting Our Face On It

Down the street from our apartment in Hannover.

Yes, I made it back to Hannover safe-n-sound! I left in rain Atlanta, NYC and then Paris this morning. But when we landed in Hannover just before noon, the sun welcomed me. How nice of him!

And I was thinking about how we bloggers write about the weather and the seasons and how we love the colors or it's foggy or raining and we're this week on Vancouver Island or in LA or Hannover, visiting with so-and-so, attending this or that, reading, or doing such-n-such. On and on and on.

We tell our stories and we take our photos. Always putting a face on what's there for us so that we'll recognize it, distinguish it from something else, or see it for the first time. It's our gift to each other. Often it's our gift to ourselves.

Yup, I just went through my blogroll and wanted to say Thank You for the unique contribution we all make to each other. We all come with our own face written all over our individual blogs.

We could pick each other out in a crowd, couldn't we!


  1. Glad you are safe and sound wherever you travel Ginnie!
    You are soooo very right: I love to see and read your gifts as much as I like to share mine. It's a great community and not only the thrill of sharing, but the excitments of learning from each other. Like I say: blogging connecting people and this is really a givers gain.
    Have fun and keep on sharing your gifts:-)

  2. Ruth: Thanks

    Renny: Yours was one blog I was thinking of because it has you stamped all over it! I like how you said it: "a givers gain."

    Dixie: Awww. And vice versa! I know the face of so many now...about 8 that I didn't know before, if I counted right.

  3. Welcome back in Germany and THANKS for what you let us view and read. I admit that it's not always easy for a non-native English speaker to follow all the different topics. But mostly it's very interesting and I learn a lot :-)

  4. Thanks for this reminder. I've been considering not continuing my blog because of a negative few, but thank you for your supportive perspective!

    I like giving the few a taste of our life in Florida! I've never felt more "connected" with the people who read it!

    Glad you're safely welcomed across the pond. :)

  5. KPK: You are so welcome! If I could speak/read/write German as well as you do English, I'd be one happy camper. I do appreciate your visits AND your comments!

    Mrs. M/Shari: Please do NOT discontinue your blog. I go looking for a new post from you almost every day. You are so right in that it DOES keep us better connected with each other. For that reason alone, I need it! Besides, you write so well and have so much to share. Please let the negative stuff roll off your back, if you can!!

  6. that is a good analogy...
    glad the sun came out. I'm hoping it will show up again for us this weekend (at least).

  7. ET: So glad we had Mr. Sun when we were with you over a week ago!


Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...