Monday, November 13, 2006

The Best Day of My Life

Whenever you see a pic of Nicholas (6) like this, you can pretty safely assume that I just got filled up by him. Yup. Last night, while Donica was on her way to Amsterdam!

Amy was out of town for the weekend and Nicholas was at his daddy's, so I was the lucky one to go pick him up. But with new directions! Daddy and Mimi (step-mom) had just moved into a new house over the weekend, so I got the grand tour before leaving with Nicholas.

On the way home, we both decided we wanted Chinese for supper: won-ton soup and chicken fried-rice for the BLB (Big Little Boy). He said he was starved. Half-way through his 3 helpings, he stopped and said, "This is the best day of my life."

I was actually quite surprised, wondering if it was his daddy's new house. But not wanting to put the words in his mouth, I asked him, "How come?!"

Nicholas: "It just is."

G'ma: "Hmm. Is there any particular reason?"

Nicholas: "I don't know; it just is!"

G'ma (somewhat facetiously): "Is it becasue you're eating Chinese?!" (to which I expected an emphatic "No, G'ma!")

Nicholas: "Yes! And because I'm with you!"

Totally shocked G'ma: "Awww. That makes me feel so special."

Nicholas: "You ARE special!!!"

Then there was that silly-grin exchange. And all I could think of was, "Spoken like a man!" As soon as you put good food into his stomach, it's the best day of his life :)

Afterwards, he blew bubbles in the bathtub before going to bed. Then he read me Goodnight Moon all by himself.

And when I kissed him good night, all I could think was, THIS IS THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE!


  1. Oh, Boots, I'm typing through tears and total joy. What a scrumptious story, thank you for sharing. Now, it's the best day of my life!

  2. I still waiting for one of those days :)

  3. heart has been warmed by your sweet story. Totally love it!

  4. Ruth: Thanks for sharing how this touched you. It made me go back and reread it through your teary eyes :)

    T1: Part of what I got out of this is that maybe every day can be the best day of our life if in the moment we are truly filled up with joy and satisfaction.

    Mad: Thanks so much. You can see why I love that little guy to death!

  5. you definitely brought tears to my eyes! Wow... you are so lucky to have such a great grandson! What just dawned on me is that little Max is now the same age as Nicolas too. I haven't seen him in 3 years and want to see him so badly now with his cute British accent and 2 other brothers back in Switzerland...

    Definitely a moment you want to savor!

  6. That's really neat! Those kind of moments do make one's day. Thanks for sharing the blessing here.

  7. I am so glad you and Nicholas had a GREAT time together. He always brings a smile to any situation. I wish I could have been there with both of you instead of flying to Amsterdam (again).

  8. That is so precious. I'm glad y'all had such a perfect day.

    Nicholas has him a pretty great grandma!

  9. I*I*I: Thanks for stopping by! All kinds of questions about how you found me and who you are.....

    ET: Nicholas is at that age where he's more of a boy than a "little" boy now, so your little Max would probably blow you away. These eternalized moments make life worth living!

    Tim: Thanks for your sentiment!

    Donica: I so wish you could have been with us as well!

    Dixie: Awww, thank you! That means a lot.

  10. Awwwwww! This is just soooooooo cute! I love those stories. So precious! Kids really know how to make us feel special! :O)

  11. That boy is adorable, and his G'ma too. :) Too sweet.

  12. Oh Ginnie! What a delight! You've now made it the BEST day for each of us who've read this. Thank you - I for one needed it!

  13. How cute. As the saying goes, the best things in life are free. They truly are.

  14. Clo: Where would we be without them, right?!!!

    Lisa: Awww. Shucks.

    Judy: It doesn't get any purer than when it comes from children. I guess we all needed it.

    James: YES! Well said.

  15. Such a wonderful day. A day that can crack stones into roses. And you describe it like I was there. Thanks.

  16. HUGE smiles from such a proud mommy right now! :-) Nicholas continues to amaze me with his tenderness. He is so loved by you and so many others and it just warms my heart to hear about and see those moments when he reciprocates. Thanks for sharing . . . and thanks for being such an important part of his life!

  17. TorAa: I like that--cracking stones into roses. Perfectly said!

    Amy: That boy of yours belongs to so many of us, doesn't he! You have every right to be proud. I'm actually as proud of YOU as I am of him. We're all gifts to each other and are part of the nourishing scheme of things! I love it.

  18. Yeah, Nicholas is smart, they don't get much better than that.

  19. Nicholas is just a doll. Very happy tears here as well. My kids have said that on several occasions and it fills my heart with joy to see them so contented.

  20. Jeff: You are absolutely right!

    Christina: I pictured YOU laughing about the full-stomach syndrome. Yes, you know how it feels!

  21. That is so sweet. I'm sure Nicholas will keep his tenderness, too, with all the loving people he has around him. :)

    I was wondering: Does he actually notice that you're taking his picture? He always looks so natural and it makes all pictures of him seem as if you really took him off guard. That makes the shots much more interesting.

  22. CS: Nicholas is a Cancer boy and will always have his home-boy tendencies, I'm sure. I love that about him.

    Good question about when I take pics of him! Yes, he usually does notice that/when I take pics of him and sometimes will start posing with silly grins for the camera. Or, if I've taken too many pics, in hopes of finding one good one, he'll actually start acting like a goon. He knows by now that I do NOT want him to pose at all (unless it's for his and Amy's Xmas photo :). So I usually have to take lots of pics and hope for one that catches him off-guard!

  23. Children can be wonderful teachers.
    I hope to be as tuned in as you seem to be to be able to savour these kind of moments. Moments of truth,(the tears in my eyes tell me)
    In THIS moment, it is the best day of my life(always and only)
    Your photo catches his(our) innocence and beauty perfectly.
    thankyou for sharing with us.

  24. THR: Your words are deeply touching. Thank you. The whole point of this story for me is that by living in the Now, each special moment makes it the best day of our life. Based on what I have read at your site, I'm quite sure you are already very "tuned in!"

  25. That is such a wonderful story. Thanks for sharing.

  26. Thanks, DW. How could I NOT share it, right?! :)

  27. I had a couple of moments like that with our kids this last weekend. Damon is the stepbrother of Wyatt and Zabrina, with a different daddy than Swede, but every now and then we invite him to come over, just because we know we are so much fun and we don't want him to miss out! When Wyatt and Zabrina come to visit us every other weekend, Damon goes by himself to his dad's house. Because he has a different father, he has a completely different chemistry than Swede's babes. His dad is kind of a jerk, but you didn't hear it here, and we sadly look upon the effect he has on Damon. So, every opportunity we get, we fill him up with as much wisdom and common sense as possible. This weekend, Damon unexpectedly grabbed ahold of me and exclaimed, "I love you, Rachel!" So I know how you feel! And then to top it all off, Wyatt made it a point to say to me on Sunday, "Rachel, I'm gonna miss you." Gosh, I can't think of anything in the world that feels so special as a child telling you they love you and/or that they're going to miss you! It stays with you forever!

  28. Thanks for sharing that, Rachel. These are the stories we need to tell and hear all the time. So much better than the alternative!

  29. Dennis, so glad you were able to read about it. In that moment, it really was the best day of my life! I love it when the feeling is passed on :)


Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...