Wednesday, November 08, 2006

A Georgia-Peach Voter

Yup! I voted yesterday and that sticker proves it! But I must add that it may have been the first mid-term election ever when I cast my vote. Well, maybe the second. Not that my vote counted HERE in Georgia. But still, I did it.

For inquiring minds: the Dems DID take the House but the jury is still out on the Senate. The Iraqi war clearly did not sit well with the American people who voted yesterday.

You know what pleases me the most?

The Democratic victories positioned Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco) to become the first female speaker of the House. "Today, the American people voted for change, and they voted for Democrats to take our country in a new direction — and that is exactly what we intend to do," Pelosi said at a raucous victory rally in Washington.

I think that is so cool (read more here)!

They say you should never talk about politics or religion when with a mixed group of people. So it's time to shut my happy mouth!


[ADDENDUM, 11/9/06: It appears that the Dems have also taken the Senate, assuming a 7,000-vote margin for the Democratic contender in Virginia stands. Also, Rumsfeld resigned yesterday!! That indicates he and President Bush took the election seriously. Good for them.]


  1. Congrats with the election and first of all the first female speaker of the House - it was a bout time!
    My wife was so excited this morning as that was the time we got the news from you. She has casted her vote too - all the way from Norway - and she was very pleased with the result.
    You said you should never talk about politics with a mixed group of people and I guess as a Norwegian I should shut my happy mouth to then :-)

  2. YEEEEEESSSS!...Madame Nancy Pelosi est élue! Et la chambre des représentants, devenue démocrate.. Bravo à tous les Américains qui ont eut le courage de voter contre les aberrations de B.
    Il reste le sénat...! Je sais je sais on ne parle pas politique!...
    Mais je suis votre voisine.....

  3. Renny: I love it! And thank Diane for me :)

    Ritadapne: I have researched
    a rough translation for my readers:

    "Mrs Nancy Pelosi is elected! And the room of the representatives, become democratic. Cheer with all the Americans who have had courage to vote against the aberrations of B. There remains the senate...! I know I know one does not speak political!... But I am your neighbor....."

    Thanks for stopping by and lending your voice :)

  4. wow - that is sort of crazy. I've always voted via absentee but never thought my vote really counted. The things that count more to me are rights of women, relationships and yes or no answered questions... The rest I still don't believe we can ever have any control over...

  5. Ginnie, thank for the translation!
    I am so sorry for this comment in french!...

  6. I've been a happy, happy girl today after staying up very late to watch the election results.

  7. I am a Canadian, and I usually try not to give my opinion, but... :O) Me and many other people here were very happy today... And, like my aunt Ritadaphné, I wanted to share that happiness with you. :O)

    I am not living in the USA, but I do have my own opinions, and recently, I saw a video that made me really happy, it's one made by Pink (I love that girl) and I would like to share that with you, maybe you already heard that song... I hope my link will work...

    You can see it here.

  8. Dearest Ginnie,
    Yes, it's fantastic that OUR (in response to your comment on my blog) Nancy Pelosi is the new Speaker of the House. The Bay Area was energized today.

    And please thank Clo for the link to Pink's song. Very moving.

  9. I am so happy! It is 9:15 AM here, I guess 3:15 AM in ATL and they are calling the Senate now in favor of the DEMS! YEAH! I love Pelosi! I voted for her on my absentee ballot.

  10. I'm happy right along with you.
    :-) Even though we come from different sides of the great divide, we know when it's time for things to change, right?

  11. ET: What does seem to matter is who "has control" of the House and Senate. Right now, with Dems in the majority, it means the President can't railroad anything without their consent. There will have to be more bipartisan work, which is how it should be anyway!

    Ritadapne: I LOVED your comment in French but I was afraid not everyone else had the translation tool to understand it. You can ALWAYS use your native tongue here on my site, if you don't mind when I translate it :)

    And I had NO IDEA you were Clo's aunt. I love that even more!!! I hope you return :)

    Dixie: Lots of us are happy campers, I see!

    Clo: That video by Pink is very powerful! No, I had not heard it/her before. I have a feeling you've just given Donica a new artist to download :) Thank you!

    Mad: Lots of new energy everywhere today!

    James: It DOES look like they're giving Virginia to the Dems, by a margin of 7,000 votes. Sure hope it stands! AND, Rumsfeld resigned yesterday!!!!!

    Christina: RIGHT! :)

  12. I agree wholeheartedly with all the rejoicers. YIPPEE!! I hope we can regain some rapport with the rest of the world.

    BUT, this is a big responsibility for the Democrats, and I hope our expectations aren't too high. As ET said, will these things make a big difference?

    I guess what does matter is our perception, and when so many people are happy, that's bound to have an effect! :)

  13. Ruth: As we all know, both parties have their problems! It's like there is a collective mistrust of our politicians, so much so that it's hard to know how to believe in change. Step by step, I do think it will happen, with bipartisan agreement on what needs to change for the benefit of the world. Not just for us! And with each of us believing in the Power of One!

  14. This election and Rumsfeld resignation has me a little bit hopeful that some positive change can take place.


Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...