Thursday, November 09, 2006


Besides the mid-term election this week, we also had our CMA extravaganza on Monday night. HA. Those of you who can't stand country music can leave now. The rest of you probably know that Mr. Kenny Chesney won the coveted Entertainer of the Year award.

We actually like country music and have seen Kenny in concert several times, the most recent this past August. From these pics, you can tell where we were sitting: BEHIND. But my little Canon 12x zoomed in on his behind quite nicely, I thought. (Did I say that?! :)

Take your pick from these different fun poses. He definitely has all the energy and charisma he needs to be the Entertainer of the Year.

And, oh yes. We were ALLOWED to have our cameras at this concert. Go figure!


  1. Great pictures! I would have thought that at least some of those lighting conditions would have made picture taking a challenge.

  2. Hello, my name is Lisa and I love country music! And I'm not ashamed of it either. :) I love listening to it, I love working to it, I love crying with it, I love singing it. The only thing I haven't learned to do is dance to it. Those dances look a little silly, in my opinion. But as for the rest, gimme mah boots 'n ten gallon hat, baby, and bring 'er on! :D

  3. Wow, how unusual to capture such great shots at a concert! Love it! (Don't love CM, but that's ok!)

  4. Tim: Actually, I was pleased myself by how well most of the pics came out. Since my Canon has an image stabilizer, I think it helps in the low-light, fast-movement situations.

    Lisa: You are so hysterical! I love it. Believe it or not, I had my day of line dancing when I first came out in the early 90's. For some reason, country music is one of the only dance venues for the gay community here in Atlanta. That's the only reason why I learned to like it, because I learned to 2-step to it and loved it. It filled up my soul. Prior to that, I didn't even know what it was.

    Ruth: And I know you DON'T like it, but if it was the only place where you could dance, you'd probably learn to like it real quick! Thanks for your compliment on the shots. It's the 12x on my camera, which I absolutely love (as you know :)

  5. Yes, you DID say that, and a very nice behind it is too! :-)

    Great photos - I love how you caught a different mood each time.

    I don't have that much experience with country music but I have heard various songs that I liked very much. There seem to be so many different styles just within that area that I don't think on can really say "I don't like country music".

  6. I like some CM, but normally not my favs. However, your pic's from the concert are marvellous. Great shots.

  7. wow - talk about a treat! Yes he's got a really nice body for sure... I'm sure that helps get the ent of year position.

    Great pics! I enjoyed them...

  8. Christina: You are very right about many different styles within country music. Lots of cross-over. Some I definitely like better than others.

    TorAa: Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. I appreciate that.

    ET: Thanks :)

  9. Hey! A nice butt is a nice butt, male OR female, right? ;-)

  10. And you're never too old to see it, right, CS?! (I can't believe I'm having this conversation but I guess I asked for it :)

  11. My mother took me to see Garth Brooks from behind once. You really have no choice in that situation to say to your self anything other than, "Hey, at least I get to look at his butt."

    And if you think this conversation is embarrassing, you should have seen the way my mother was jumping up and down in excitement to see his hiney!

  12. T1: You're baaaaaaad! :)

    Rachel: I can just see it! Your mom teaching you about the birds and the bees by example :)

  13. I enjoyed the CMA's for the FIRST time ever. Don't know what has got into me. Have to say, I don't really like Chesney and his butt is kind of flat. I enjoyed Rascal Flatts but I didn't think that's what the lead singer would like. I like the group with two guys and two girls harmonizing, and now I like that Carrie Underwood song, heard it today.

  14. HA, Susan. Most concerts I go to are because I tag along with Donica. Don't get me wrong, I love it. But the groups I would pick are often nowhere to be found (like Wallela). It so happens that I DID love Babs and would have chosen her, if Donica had not. I guess our different tastes in music is what makes the world go 'round :)


Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...