Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Hart & Soul

Doorway in St. Catherine's Passage, Tallinn, Estonia

Many of you already know about this because I've sent you a preview, but today is my official announcement of my new photoblog at Shutterchance. It does not take the place of this In Soul blog, but hopefully enhances it.

I've had a "missing piece" for a long time but didn't know what it was until my sister, Ruth, found it for me. When she started her photoblog, to highlight favorite photos in a larger format, it was my own AHA! experience. The missing piece. She basically encouraged me to do the same thing with the favorite travel photos in particular that I've wanted to set apart (like the one above). If she could do it, maybe I could as well! Bigger photos, fewer words!

That started my journey to find the site that "spoke" to me and was user-friendly, since I'm not a web designer or HTML expert. It was on Wiki, under "photoblog" that I found Shutterchance (out of England and, for right now, totally free!). The rest is history.

Dennis' mom, Judy, is the one who came up with the title, Hart & Soul (a take-off on T' Pau's Heart and Soul lyrics). Don't you just love it?! She gets the shiny Gold Star :)

So anyway, there you have it. Don't ever let anyone tell you that you can't teach an old dog new tricks! And BTW, I have added my Hart & Soul link to my sidebar, just under Links. I'd be delighted if you come visit me there from time to time. It's a whole new world! Thanks :)


  1. Excellent! I was waiting for this so I could link to you and let people know about your new photo blog as well as your wonderful Ucluelet/Vancouver vacation albums. Seeing more of your beautiful photos is a GOOD THING!

  2. Bravo! :-) And a GREAT name, Judy! Love the tie-in ...

  3. Christina: Awww. Thanks for your vote of confidence!

    Amy: I think we'll keep her :)

  4. I love the size and quality of the photos! I've got my own now... Maybe it will take my mind off a few other things. =)

  5. I did and I will continue to visit. I love the name; it suits you so well! A big heart and a beautiful soul. Could not be better!

  6. Sounds like a great new adventure. I do like the larger size of the photo. Excellent!

    And I like the photo you have at the top of this post. Pretty!

  7. ET: Are you serious about having your own photoblog? Pray show and tell! What I like is having the full resolution of the original photo.

    CS: You are such a sweetheart and know how to make my day :)

    Tim: Thanks a lot! Just think what YOUR pics would look like in the larger format!

  8. Your photoblog is gorgeous, and I like some of your features better than mine. FREE for one! It's so nice to have a new surprise photo on your site every day!

  9. Ruth: Well, you really were my inspiration, as you know! I do like the Archiving feature of yours more and have actually written my site about it. We'll see if it stays the same or changes. They've already changed one feature, related to e-mails, from my suggestion :) That certainly says something. I have to say that queuing up photos for several days in a row, to then run on auto-pilot, is the feature I most love!

    Dennis: You are so kind, as always. And yes, your mom IS getting me into a side business. I can feel it happening before my very eyes :)

  10. Ginnie - We celebrate one week of your photoblog today. Congratuations! Maybe we need to change the name to the Agony and the Ecstasy! I think it's been a great week and I am proud of you - not only for your photos but also for your "grace" under fire! I am enjoying my shiny Gold Star - the name was a natural - the perfect description! YOU ARE the HEART and SOUL!!!

  11. Judy! You are hysterical and absolutely wonderful. You are definitely one of my biggest fans and that means the world to me! Thank you. If YOU ever see me losing my heart and soul, PLEASE call me on the carpet!!!

  12. Ginnie - YOU GOT IT!!! and I will surely do that.

  13. Thanks, Judy. That's what friends are for!!!


Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...