Regurgitation is more like it, but I'll get to that in a minute!
On Monday I was driving home from an errand and did an about-face when I saw these 4 cows at the edge of the road (fenced in) around the corner, less than a mile, from our house.
On Monday I was driving home from an errand and did an about-face when I saw these 4 cows at the edge of the road (fenced in) around the corner, less than a mile, from our house.

This little fella would not give me the time of day. I stood still, I was quiet and then even cooed when he turned to look. But the next thing I knew, he started sauntering off to join his mates.
So now, back to regurgitation! Remember when you first heard the meaning of that word?! I think we all went EEEW! or YUCK! Wiki says,"Cattle are ruminants, meaning that they have a digestive system that allows them to utilize otherwise undigestible foods by repeatedly regurgitating and rechewing them as "cud." The cud is then reswallowed and further digested by specialized microorganisms that live in the rumen."
Okay then. Why am I telling you this? Guess what Donica is "regurgitating!" Yup. Her little ilioinguinal nerve acted up so badly the other day that she had to fly home from Europe yesterday, 2 days early!!! I guess the good news is that the Phenol injection on September 12, when I called all angels, lasted 2-1/2 months!
A doctor's appointment on Monday morning will hopefully schedule surgery for a couple weeks from now, after we return from Hannover. The surgery will remove the nerve once and for all (cross our fingers, hope to die). In the meantime, we both leave for Germany Monday afternoon on two different planes, Donica with a bottle of pain pills to tide her over any other bad-pain days.
Just when we thought this was totally digested...well, you get the point!
Okay then. Why am I telling you this? Guess what Donica is "regurgitating!" Yup. Her little ilioinguinal nerve acted up so badly the other day that she had to fly home from Europe yesterday, 2 days early!!! I guess the good news is that the Phenol injection on September 12, when I called all angels, lasted 2-1/2 months!
A doctor's appointment on Monday morning will hopefully schedule surgery for a couple weeks from now, after we return from Hannover. The surgery will remove the nerve once and for all (cross our fingers, hope to die). In the meantime, we both leave for Germany Monday afternoon on two different planes, Donica with a bottle of pain pills to tide her over any other bad-pain days.
Just when we thought this was totally digested...well, you get the point!