Stick with me on this one because it's another farm/tractor story but with a long, convoluted twist!

Photo/postcard by Bob Jacobson, circa 1980, from AGSEM
Amy, my daughter, is dating Dennis, an only child. Dennis' parents, Judy and Dave, are also only children. The man in the hat standing on the thresher in the above photo/postcard is Judy's dad, Al. Since he died in 1984, she's guessing it was taken just shortly before then.
Al and his wife grew up on farms in adjoining towns in Nebraska before getting married in 1940. In 1941 they moved to California, where their only child, Judy (Dennis' mom), was born (in 1942) and now lives with Dave. As we speak, Amy has just arrived in Los Angeles to meet Dennis' mom and dad (Judy and Dave) for the first time, before leaving for Hawaii tomorrow with Dennis for a week. (Be envious all you want but this has been a long time coming and they both deserve it!)
Okay! That's the background.
Judy (Dennis' mom) has been what we'd call a "lurker" on my blog for several weeks now, reading back into my archives to learn as much about Amy as possible before meeting her tonight. In the process, she's been reading about all the farm references I've made since going to Ruth and Don's farm a couple weeks ago. So in her first contact with ME, the mother of Dennis' girfriend, Amy, my daughter (just want to make sure you're listening!), she sent me this picture yesterday of her dad on the farm.
We all know what ALOHA means in the Hawaiian language. Did you know that OHANA means family! So even though this is a bit ahead of the story, since Dennis and Amy aren't (yet) married, do you see the incredible irony of all these only-child people connecting to an entire shootin'-kaboodle tribe of people from whence Amy and I come!
As they say, truth is always better than fiction! And this is one helluva story thus far! Stay tuned, of course, and read whatever you'd like in-between the lines :)
Al and his wife grew up on farms in adjoining towns in Nebraska before getting married in 1940. In 1941 they moved to California, where their only child, Judy (Dennis' mom), was born (in 1942) and now lives with Dave. As we speak, Amy has just arrived in Los Angeles to meet Dennis' mom and dad (Judy and Dave) for the first time, before leaving for Hawaii tomorrow with Dennis for a week. (Be envious all you want but this has been a long time coming and they both deserve it!)
Okay! That's the background.
Judy (Dennis' mom) has been what we'd call a "lurker" on my blog for several weeks now, reading back into my archives to learn as much about Amy as possible before meeting her tonight. In the process, she's been reading about all the farm references I've made since going to Ruth and Don's farm a couple weeks ago. So in her first contact with ME, the mother of Dennis' girfriend, Amy, my daughter (just want to make sure you're listening!), she sent me this picture yesterday of her dad on the farm.
We all know what ALOHA means in the Hawaiian language. Did you know that OHANA means family! So even though this is a bit ahead of the story, since Dennis and Amy aren't (yet) married, do you see the incredible irony of all these only-child people connecting to an entire shootin'-kaboodle tribe of people from whence Amy and I come!
As they say, truth is always better than fiction! And this is one helluva story thus far! Stay tuned, of course, and read whatever you'd like in-between the lines :)