Monday, September 18, 2006

Gemini Angels

I MADE IT SAFE-N-SOUND! 25-1/2 hours from when I left our Atlanta house yesterday (10a) to when I walked into our Hannover apartment just minutes ago (5:30p, accounting for the 6-hour time difference): from Atlanta to Newark to Paris to Hannover (on frequent flyer miles)!

And since I've been thinking of angels lately, I'll add this thought for free: While I was on the train from the Hannover airport to the Hauptbahnhof (train station) in city center, I gazed out the window with a smile on my face and twinkling eyes, saying THANK YOU (as I always do when I go back-n-forth safely). Suddenly, I saw a host of swirling wings darting about with giddy joy. I kid you not (my mind's eye is pretty active!).

And suddenly, the thought hit me that my guardian angels are most surely Gemini Angels! They'd have to be in order to keep up with where my mind goes, from one thing to another.

HA! Well, I thought it was funny...even though I don't have a photo to document it!

Okay. I'll catch up on y'all tomorrow. Just wanted you to know I made it safely over the pond (and did lots of Sudoku)! Thanks for your travel "best wishes." Donica is on her way home from the office, so we'll catch up shortly ourselves.


  1. Glad you're "home" in Hannover! How funny about the gemini angels. No wonder the name "John-John" ! :D Ha!

    Love to you and D.

  2. Yay! So glad to hear you made it safely and I know you're happy to be back in your second home. I know Donica is happy to have you there as well!

  3. Hurray! But I never doubted you'd get here safely. :-) You'll have to tell me all about those angels when we meet.

  4. What an exciting life you lead! Do you fly first class? Have fun with Donica! Wishing I were in Germany, too:) What a beautiful time of year to be there. Oktoberfest is coming soon!

  5. Ruth: I thought it was funny, too. Angels with their own astro signs!

    Amy: Yes! We even played cards last night before bed--a good way for winding down and being happy :)

    Christina: Soon! Friday will be here before we know it!

    Rachel: Oh no! I refuse Donica's ever wanting me to fly first class because of how many miles it would take. I'd rather have more trips than the luxury of first class. SHE flies Business Class,of course, on her company's nickle :) Thank God because often she walks off the plane and takes a taxi straight to work!

    I love this time of the year both here and there because of autumn, my favorite time of the year! And yes, Oktoberfest is just around the corner.

  6. well I didn't have enough time to read blogs I guess... But I read it, and I never doubted you'd arrive safely either..

    Man how I miss the train... Really although the DB could give people problems, it's amazing how much you miss riding it when you do it for 2.5 years (or on a swiss train)...

  7. ET: I LOVE the DB. No problems for me thus far!

    MP: Thanks. You know I always love coming here :)

  8. Have a great time! Looking forward to your posts from Hannover.

  9. Thanks, Jozee. They're coming like a windstorm, fast and furious :)

  10. I'm so glad you're over here safe and sound. Can't wait to hug your neck again!

  11. Glad you arrived safe and sound. It's kind of neat what we see when we open our eyes.

  12. Finally, we're on the same time zone again! :-)


Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...