Wednesday, September 20, 2006

In Green Pastures

While Mr.Sun darted in and out of the clouds on a gloriously cool and breezy day yesterday, I visited the horse pastures near our apartment here in Hannover. It's where I found my Horse Whisperer last fall, remember?!

This time there were geese (?) everywhere, sharing the space with the horses as though nothing was a bit unusual about it. I assume they are geese because they would fly off at a whim. Are these the variation of Canadian geese in America that fly south every winter? Maybe Christina or KPK will know?

Here's another question: Why in Sam's scratch is this horse wearing a light-weight "blanket" at this time of the year? I haven't a clue. Do you? Is she healing from some trauma? She may be my new Whisperer. We sure had a lot to say to each other while we took each other in.

That was a nice hour's walk, btw. HA. Walk, take pics, walk, take pics, walk. Yup--an hour's worth. 93 pics in all! Enough for posts the rest of my time here, I kid you not. (But true to my form, don't worry, I'll stick to only one/day.)

My Soul lies down in these pastures. I'm taking it all in, again. I do not want!


  1. Horses are higher level beings with more consciousness, it seems than many animals. How can you not feel that their eyes look into your soul?

    I'm sure they were so happy to see you again.

  2. Deb: Hmmm. I have never heard of that. Why don't they do it to all the horses, then? Or maybe this one is like me--more allergic?

    Ruth: Not only that, they are very patient when they stand there though to let YOU take the lead. I was thinking of her in bed last night and fell "in love" with her. Made me want to go back and see if she'll let me touch her (guess I had to be ready first since I'm not normally around animals).

  3. ginnie - love the pics. I thought of you yesterday and of your vacation here...

    Oh I have a list already. LOL...
    Now we just need to figure out how much of it we will do... :)
    And yes photos of course are involved. hehe

  4. oh maybe they are following snow geese? or a type like that.. just a thought to add to where they are migrating... I'd assume they be coming from up north to go down south to the mediterranean or so...

  5. ET: Yes, I assume they're flying south from up north...but from where? Norway :)

    So glad you have a list because you'll make our time easier for us! We won't have to figure anything out. We'll just be saying YES all day :)

  6. I can totally see why this place is so special to you, especially with your connection to the horses. Your photos capture the peace.

  7. Thanks, Mad. Peace is a good word to describe what I feel here.

  8. Hmmm. I'm sure I've seen those blankets on horses before, but I can't remember what they're for. I'll ask a colleague at work.

  9. You know I love animals and farms. Thanks for taking your time capture those beautiful horses and for sharing with us!

  10. CS: Oh, that will be great if you find out! I saw her again today wearing the same clothes.

    Renny: You are more than welcome!

  11. Beautiful and so peaceful; restorative to a busy soul.

  12. Lovely pics, and what beautiful horses! Very tranquil scenery...I love farms.

  13. DW: This has been my year for the Farm, I guess, and I am definitely feeling the Soul of it!


Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...