Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Patchwork World

Okay, here's another collection! Finally, after 3 months, I stapled the cruise patches to the wall in Nicholas' bedroom at our house.

We have two big plastic-coated maps on his wall--one of the United States and one of the world. From time to time he'll stand on the bed as we show him where we're traveling at any given time. Time and space are abstract concepts that don't usually sink in till much later (12?) but, hey, we have fun with it regardless.

Those bottom patches in the above photo are of the 6 ports-of-call from our cruise, some cities with more than one (click to enlarge). I try to keep countries grouped together near their location on the map but it doesn't always work out that way. Oh well. Eventually there will be patches all around the maps that have nothing to do with where they're from!

I'm throwing in this Hawaii section of the USA map for Amy and Dennis. It was fun for us to envision where they were each day recently because we had been there a couple years earlier.

Besides the patches, we tap in colored straight pins for every city we've both visited, here and abroad (click to enlarge). It makes me think I'm leaving a mark on the world :)

When you see the states or countries on a map, it's almost imperative to have them separated by different colors to distinguish them from each other. Seeing them that way makes them a virtual patchwork quilt!

Just think: all of us together make up this Quilt! You in your small corner, and I in mine :)


  1. (Waving at you from my little corner!)

    That is SO cool! Those cruise patches are amazing. I bet Nicholas just loves what you've done for him. You're right in saying that the time/space/geographical concepts won't sink it completely at that age, but I think they DO get it to some extent and I know that my kids have always enjoyed looking at maps and figuring out where we are, where we've been or where we're going.

  2. Stunning, impressive, and a great idea to place it in Nicholas' room! SUPER!

  3. Boots-
    When the girls were little we had a map that showed where our family lived--and we put pictures up next to the places. Living apart from family, I felt it was important to have the girls at a young age be able to know the faces of family!

    What's the one place Nicholas wants to go where you've been?

  4. Dennis: So glad you like the map idea. It's been fun for all of us.

    Christina: You are so funny! I'm waving back :) I actually thought of your boys and Boy10 in particular, wondering if he has those abstract concepts yet. I had heard that a long time ago and wasn't sure but it makes sense to me.

    KPK: Awww. Thanks!

    Mrs. M/Shari: That was a great idea for you as well. And that's a good question to ask Nicholas! He would immediately say Michigan/the cottage, I'm sure but he's already been there. He might also say CA because he went to Catalina Island not too long ago. But where he hasn't been? Hmmm. Good question. I'll ask him :)

  5. Great idea! Who makes the maps that you are using in his room? I'm not familar with these.

  6. I love maps too. Maybe you'll turn Nicholas into an adventurer.

  7. MapLover: These maps are from the Rand McNally Cosmopolitan Series and, as I recall, were bought as a set at our BJs club warehouse. Thanks for asking.

    Ruth: Maybe! Wouldn't that be nice :)

  8. I think this is such a great idea. What a view to the world around he's getting!

  9. And hopefully soon, you will be able to add Basel to the map! :-)

    (I'm wondering where my first comment went...???)

  10. That is a wonderful idea! and it looks amazing. I too have a world map and a map of the USA on my wall...but I lack the cruise patches :)

  11. Dixie: The older he gets, the more I like it :)

    CS: I thought about Basel and looked at it wistfully! Donica has been there but we stick in pins only where we've both been (and not necessarily together, like Dublin). Hmmm. I may decide to change that since I've been many places where she hasn't, and vice versa. It certainly would make the world more realistic :)

    DW: See, we ARE alike :) One day I want to stick a pin in NZ! If I do, I will definitely also find a patch!!!

  12. Nicholas is going to be a superstar in geography!

  13. Actually, Rachel, I never thought of Geography classes in school. Hmm. We need to get clicking on the other countries! :)

  14. For many years when I lived on the farm, I used to have a world map on the wall of my bedroom, too.

    And you sure do have your collections! :)

  15. I guess you could say, Tim, that there are so many things to like and enjoy. They make our collections so soulful!


Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...