Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Steroid Dopers

Submitted to Tuesdays Photos for CANDLE

This candle is on its last leg!

1) Out of the blue last week, after 10 pain-free days, Donica's ilioinguinal nerve acted out with the most excruciating pain she's had since she was hospitalized in Hannover back in June. It hurt so bad that she left work and went to the doctor for her 4th and final steroid injection. Remember, if the pain returns again, it means surgery to take the dang thing out once and for all.

Guess what. The pain has returned! As Donica was driving to the airport this evening to fly to Hannover for a quick week of meetings, she had to turn around and come home. Tomorrow we'll pursue the surgery route and find out what it all means. We don't even know what the recovery time is. She was planning to fly back to Hannover on the 15th, next week, but that, too, may be up for grabs.

2) On a much lesser scale, and after posting last week that my poison-ivy bout was done and over with, one spot came back to taunt me. After a week of that bologna, I called the doctor today and got another 6-day prescription-regimen of steroid pills to hopefully REALLY kill this thing. This is ridiculous! I am supposed to leave on Sunday for Hannover and do NOT want to take it with me! But now with what's going on with Donica, my trip, too, may be up in the air.

I repeat: This candle is on its last leg! But we'll definitely keep you informed....


  1. My best wishes for recovery to both of you. I know what you mean those days! I am REALLY standing on ONE leg... Hehhehe! :)

  2. I'm very sorry to hear about Donnica's nerve pain recurrence.

    As for this ridiculously tenacious poison ivy...I honestly didn't know it could be such a problem.

    Keep us posted!!

  3. Oh poooh! NOT what either of you need right now. I'm sending all the healing vibes I can muster. Let's hope for a quick resolution to both nasty problems and smooth sailing (and flying) from there. You need to be fit for your fabulous vacation in October. I just found an old Beautful British Columbia Magazine with an article about the area your visiting so I'll show it to you when you get here. :-)

  4. I'm going to light a candle of my own tonight and pray/meditate for all the bloggers and their loved ones who don't feel well. What with the flu and various physical challenges everyone is going through, it's all getting to be a bit much. Here's hoping for some blanket-healing for us all and soon!

  5. I am so sorry about this for both of you. Ugh! I'm sending you both flames.

  6. MP: Thank you! Speaking of your leg, please update us on it, if not here, on your blog.

    DW: I know what you mean about the poison ivy--I had no clue either! And yes, we're very sorry the injections didn't do the trick for Donica. A real mystery.

    Christina: Pooh is right--a good word! I just hope to God I'll be able to see you before the Vancouver trip. I'm sure you have lots to show and tell of your beautiful land!

    Lisa: Maybe your candle won't be on its last leg, so thanks! :)

    Ruth: All the flames you can! Thank you so much. We'll let you know what we find out today.

  7. Oh Ginnie - I hope things turn around! I don't want for you guys to have to cancel vacation too!!!

    Check out my new post, maybe it will cheer you up!!

  8. BTW, the candle is so beautiful. That flame! Apropos! :)

  9. What would cause such pain? Stress, lack of stretching and rest, lack of healing foods
    I know when someone is ill they only want to be heard and sympathized with, but it is in my nature to find a solution. It seems that surgery is only removing the body's indicator that something else is wrong. The body, through pain, is asking for a change. Only you know what your body is asking for. Surgery will remove the symptoms, but not the source of your body's suffering.

  10. My deepest feelings and hope for a soon recovery to both of you! I do hope things will work out the best way and that you can have your trip as you really deserves it! Please keep us posted.

  11. ET: Your post DID cheer me up! By hook or crook, we will make it!

    Ruth: Awww. Thanks. Your flames are rubbing off on me :)

    Rachel: Well, on a pure cause-effect level, we know what is causing the pain: the port from her hysterectomy surgery years ago severed that blasted ilioinguinal nerve. On other levels, I do think the quick trip she was planning to make this week was a bit too much. We have her step-dad's 70th birthday party to attend on Saturday, which is why she was gonna come back so fast. But now she can just rest till we both go back to Germany next week--and when I can take care of her :)

    Renny: Thanks for your kind words. Donica is not in as much pain today but she's got to get rid of the roller-coaster ride. If we plan for the surgery after our Vancouver trip in October, maybe she can get by on pain meds, if need be. Right now she's toughing it out! Working from home today.

  12. OH, I see:) the NERVE! I just read the old entry. I thought it was the ilioinguinal ligament!!! I was very converned that they were going to remove her ligament- sorry about that:)

  13. Oh no! Poor Donica! She must be miserable!

    I'm sending prayers that all will be righted soon. Bless her heart!

  14. Ginnie, just letting you know that I'll be praying for Donica and you through these ailments. Sometimes words are just inadequate. With love, Tim

  15. Rachel: YES, it's the nerve and one the doctor says she can totally live without. Kinda like the appendix, if not better.

    Dixie: Thanks, thanks!! She just wants it done and over with but we still don't know anything more because the doctor and nurse weren't in today. Hopefully we'll have a better feel tomorrow on where we go from here. The pain comes and goes all day long. UGH.

    Tim: Your prayers are very important to us. Sometimes moans and groans are the best/only words!

  16. OK. My leg ...mmm... Not too bad. mmm... Not so bad. Ups and downs... Yesterday was better than today. But today is worse.. I don't know why. The problem is my knee. I will try to work on Saturday. And will see. Tired of being at home. :( Already 4 weeks since the accident. It's looooong! :( But I sleep a lot. And eat well! :) And listen to TEEVEE, a thing I rarely do! Hehehhe!

  17. Thanks for the update, MP! It's those things that hang on and on and don't clear up right away that drive us crazy, right!?! I tore cartilage in my knee back in 1974 and eventually had to have it removed. Do you think you did something like that, I wonder? Surely the doctor is keeping up on this?

    In the meantime, this candle is also for you!

  18. Yes, he is! I work with him at the clinic, so he takes care of me very kindly! I don't think there is any ligament or cartilage torn, though. It would be more painful. I think I have a phlebitis on my tight so it is longer to heal. And this poor leg had another accident last year so it's even longer... I'm taking care of it though. Taking nice hot showers (it helps) and putting some expensive creams on my poor knee. :) And thanks for all the good thoughts! And for the candle! :)

  19. Thank God you have good care, MP. Continue to pamper yourself so that it will heal properly. I know you know all the answers, so be a good patient :) I remember you with prayer and best wishes!


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  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...