Friday, September 08, 2006

Permission to Speak Freely

Remember the Ohana Connection? Last evening I picked up Amy after her week in Hawaii (Waikiki Beach) with Dennis, her beau. I asked and was given permission to tell more of their supremely happy story. For those of you who like a good love story, please stay. The rest of you can leave now :)

Dennis and Amy, August 18, 2006, Atlanta

They met on June 1st here in Atlanta when Dennis was here from Los Angeles on business. When his client didn't show for a Thursday dinner engagement, he stayed at the bar with Amy and her friend who were there for drinks. The 3 of them had an engaging conversation for several hours about a book he's co-writing on what singles look for when they're dating. The "list" of what makes them compatible.

Fast forward over the next 2-1/2 months of falling in love through their daily e-mails, text messages, and phone calls between Atlanta and LA before Dennis came out to visit on the August 17th weekend. Donica and I first (and only) laid eyes on him that Friday the 18th when we took them out to dinner. It was love at first sight for us both, but then, we had already been in conversation with him as well. What is there not to love about this incredible man (and woman, I might add :) That above photo is "as they were" sitting across from us. Are they happy or what!

Amy and Dennis, September 4, 2006, Waikiki Beach

Fast forward now to their week in Hawaii, still lingering in the air! It was his gift to her "just because" and with a birthday dinner included, but now he's also coming out the weekend of September 30th (her actual birthday) for the proverbial frosting on the cake before a business trip to Chicago (those circuitous routes, remember!). Then in mid-October he's back for a week and a half on more business and a friend's wedding in Charleston, with Amy at his side.

For Thanksgiving Amy will fly out to LA to be with his parents (Judy and Dave, whom she just met before Hawaii) and his 2 girls, Noelle (12) and Brooke (8), who live with their mom. Amy is in frequent conversation with both girls when Dennis has them every Wednesday night and every other weekend, so they're all looking forward to meeting up close and personal.

In December, the week between Christmas and New Year's, Dennis will fly back here to end one year and begin a new one with each other.

Mind you, all these plane reservations back-n-forth have already been made!

While we parents may be sweating the small stuff (like how this long-distance relationship will work out in the long run), Amy and Dennis are simply savoring every moment for what it is. As Amy says, the details of what happens next will be revealed when the time is right. They are so supremely and solidly in love that they both know they have the will and way to make it happen. The rest of us just watch and root them on in the Grandstand of Life. Hooting and hollering all the way.

That's one heck of a love story if you ask me! And as I've said before, it's a long time coming for both of them. They sure are glad they both waited for each other this time around. So am I!


  1. I *love* love stories!! And this one is beautiful, as is the couple. :) You can see their happiness in their eyes.


  2. *sniiiiiiiif* Well, you KNOW I'm in a flood of tears here. What a wonderful story...

  3. Precious! :) Wishing much luck and love to Amy and Dennis in the coming years. (thanks for my morning smile and warm heart, Ginnie!)

  4. You know how much I adore Amy, and Dennis must be great to have captured her heart!

    It's awesome for them both! Thanks for sharing, Boots.

  5. Mad: That's what I love most--the eyes! Windows to the soul and not good at faking it! So glad you stayed for the story :)

    Christina: I love your tears (of joy) for them :)

    Lisa: Amy told me they plan to be around for a long time!

    Mrs. M/Shari: You're welcome. "Capture" is a good word! I don't think they have any intention of letting each other go.

  6. It is all so wonderful! I love that Waikiki photo! I can't wait to hear about their week. And apparently it's not a surprise about the birthday visit any more! :) You go, Amy and Dennis! I'm toasting a big glass of (pretend) champagne to your happiness!

  7. Congratulations Amy! How ironic he was writing that book when he met you. It looks like what the two of you singles were looking for is not your average love story! Adventure is your calling!

  8. Ruth: I love that Waikiki photo as well. It was my favorite of the 98 from which I had to choose :) And no, the birthday visit is not a surprise any more.

    Rachel: Ha. I like that because I think you're definitely right about it not being the "average" love story!

  9. THANKS to all of you for sharing in our excitement and for your well-wishes. You all are part of a community of people that are so dear to my mom and that makes you dear to me! This has indeed been a magical time for me (and I know for Dennis as well) and I basically just walk around beaming with smiles all day. :-)) Thanks again!

  10. Ruth, Shari and Rachel -- MY FAMILY! Your words of encouragement and support are especially meaningful to me and I so cherish you all. I'm looking forward to the day when I can finally introduce Dennis to each of you. Hukilau, here we come! :-) Love to you all!

  11. Ginnie - I can "lurk" no longer. I love this and you picked one of my favorite pictures as well. As Amy's motherI know the joy you are feeling with her happiness - just as I am with Dennis. It's definitely been a long time coming but well worth the wait. You loved meeting Dennis and we loved meeting Amy. The rest is up to them!

  12. Amy: I KNOW our family is thrilled for you and Dennis, as is the Blogger Neighborhood that has gotten to know you. Happiness is so life-affirming and catchy!

    ET: You totally understand, I know :)

    Judy: You lurk no more and thus have made my day! HA. You knew that. You know that saying, "Ain't nobody happy if Mama ain't happy!" I wonder if the reverse is true--that EVERYONE is happy when the moms are happy! So, so true. Knowing Dennis and Amy, "the rest" is a walk in the park!

  13. Omigod!! That sounds so much like our story! I can only be the right thing! I'm happy for for all of you, but especially for Amy and Dennis! Go, Go GO!

  14. CS: Then you and Orange-X will be my role models for them! :)

  15. As you can see, we all think you're one very special and lucky couple!

  16. That's beautiful story and so encouraging! Good luck to all!

  17. I am happy for her! This is a nice love story! :))) And I LOVE it when to people serendipitously meet. (Not sure of the spelling of seren...) Hehehhehe!

  18. As far as I know, you spelled it perfectly, MP. It's a good word!


Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...