Thursday, September 28, 2006


Last week in our Hannover tiergarten, right at dusk, I watched these red deer (rothirsch) lay themselves down to sleep, one by one, as I stood there watching. Yesterday, after another 25+-hour trip, this time back home from Hannover, I finally laid myself down to sleep. No suitcase yet, but I'm back safe-n-sound. Lots of reading, Sudoku, photoshopping and "snapping" (short, quick naps).

See this blur of a tail? That's what these next 3 days will be like for me before we leave for Vancouver on Sunday morning:

** Mow the lawn
** Get my hair cut
** Clean out my car
** Sort through 9 days of mail
** Dust and vacuum
** Do the laundry and take Donica's clothes to the cleaners
** Pick Dennis up at the airport Friday morning and eat lunch with him (he's coming for Amy's 34th birthday--what a man!)
** Pick up Nicholas after school for an overnight
** Welcome Donica home from Amsterdam!!!
** Go to Nicholas' soccer game on Saturday morning
** Eat lunch with Dennis, Amy and Nicholas after soccer
** Run miscellaneous errands before Vancouver
** Celebrate my kids' birthdays Saturday night--Amy's 34th and Mark's 31st

Guess I need to snap to it (quick action).

BTW, this past Sunday was my first time in 2 years to snap (take a pic of) a buck at the tiergarten. I think it was an omen about us needing to be snappish (not irritable but bullish) these next days before our vacation!

So, whether taking quick naps or snapping to it, here's to all of us getting done what needs to get done before tomorrow. And not snapping (breaking) in the process! All we have is today and today is sufficient for the task at hand, as they say!

Sufficient to each day are the duties to be done and the trials to be endured. -- T.L. Gayler

My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness. (2 Corinthians 12:9)


  1. Enjoy each moment to its fullest!! Glad you're safely in Atlanta-

  2. Love all the plays on words, Ginnie! And those photos! Wow. Don needs to see that buck. Too bad there won't be time to chat on the phone before your trip, it sounds like. We'll be snapping to it too.

  3. Great words for symbolism Ginnie! Well looks like you will be super busy, just in time to relax... Yeah!!! Time will fly at least and then there will be a nice rest. :) Looks ike you are off to an early start already.

  4. You're home! :-) Reading your To Do list just exhausts me! But I know you'll get it all done. It hadn't really sunk into my head yet that you're leaving THIS Sunday. Soon you'll be sitting on a beach watching the surf roll in...

  5. Mrs. M/Shari: Thanks and yes, we plan to enjoy everything!

    Ruth: Well, if you can call any evening on your way home from work, please do! Let's make it happen!

    ET: I'm done with the lawn mowing and some weeding, so one down! Little by little. What doesn't get done now will be waiting for us when we return :)

    Christina: Watching the surf come in is definitely the main thing I want to do. I LOVE the ocean!

  6. Ginnie, you're a bundle of energy and I know you can get that to-do list whipped with time to spare!

  7. Thanks for your vote of confidence, Dixie!

  8. Good to hear you made it home safely. That's quite a schedule after such a long flight, so I'll leave you to all that snapping :)

  9. Well I think maybe our first place we would be off to is Stanley park, right next to the ocean... But there really isn't any surf in Vancouver. hehe

    Glad to hear chores are getting done!

  10. First of all the pictures are wonderful Ginnie! We don't have red dears but rain dears in Norway you know.
    We can tell you are really busy and since you mentioned naps; why don’t you take a power nap (an expression I’ve learned from my mother in law from the US!) once in a while.
    I know you’re soon going to Vancouver and also meet ET. She has a surprise for you from me!
    Have a lovely end to your week:-)

  11. ET: Nothing beats the ocean, waves or not. I'm guessing we'll get both this trip!

    Renny: HA! Yes, I think a "snap" IS a power nap! And awww. A surprise from you via ET. How very sweet and now I can hardly wait!

  12. I donno how you do it, traveling to and fro as you do and keep up with all your photos and blogging and activities.

    I'm hanging on by the skin of my teeth (is that the right metaphor?) because we're leaving again for Vegas, only being home for 8 days since returning from Hawaii, which I left for after only being home 4 days since returning from my Disney race, which I had only been home a couple of weeks to prepare because I was in Seattle. Thank goodness my work is very part-time! My head is spinning and I know I'm blessed with this lifestyle, but I can't wait to be home for more than a week and a half! :)

  13. Sometimes I wonder myself, Mad, because it all can be quite overwhelming. And I DON'T work (at a job, that is). So I can imagine how it must be for everyone else who's PT or FT. One step at a time. I feel like I have several albums in the wings. If I weren't such a perfectionist, I'd just do the albums without photoshopping the pics. Oh well!


Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...