Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Yakkity-yak, Yakkity-yak

I declare! After 7-1/2 hours with Christina here on Friday and 9-1/2 hours with Dixie Peach/Kim in Magdeburg yesterday, you'd think I'd be plumb tuckered out! HA. I'm just wetting my whistle for our time with Expat Traveler in Vancouver a little over a week from now!

Dixie was waiting for me on the platform when I stepped off the train at 10a yesterday morning on a cloudless, breezy, blue-sky, autumn day. From that point on, we were here, there and everywhere within the city center vicinity. Her apartment is nearby, within walking distance, but she was so gracious and got all-day tram passes so that we could easily go back-n-forth.

Our first visit was the Magdeburg Cathedral which just happens to be having their thousand-year celebration with baptisms and christenings. There is a magnificent collection of baptismal fonts on display in the nave. And then behind, in one of the alcoves, there is a Soulful collection of angels holding baptismal basins, similar to the one hanging here. We were NOT allowed to take photos (this one is definitely contraband--slap my hand), so all I could do was take mental snapshots of the 30 or so angels hanging above us as we walked through. I kept telling Kim that my mom would have been in utter awe and would have wanted to name each one. As was I! (So now you know where I get it!)

From the cathedral we walked across the platz to the Hundertwasser Haus (the Green Citadel of Magdeburg, a hundred-water house) which reminded me so much of Antoni Gaudi's architecture (which we saw in Barcelona, Spain). Lots of curves and waves; no straight lines. It's actually an apartment complex to where Kim and B almost moved but realized there would be too many tourists (like me) gawking at it and taking pics. More pics are in my photo album.

From the Hundertwasser Haus we walked over to the 11th century Monastery of Our Beloved Lady, now a museum of modern art. Since it is closed on Mondays, we couldn't go inside. But that didn't keep me from walking all around and taking myriad pics. You know I'm a glutton for these old buildings and spires!

Then we ate lunch at a lovely pub-like restaurant that is a favorite of Kim's: a good German dish of curry wurst and kraut salad. Afterwards, we walked a few yards away to the town hall. Again, pics are in the photo album.

What I was most waiting for, however, was THIS! To not only meet B (Kim's husband), but to take a picture of them together (used with permission):

They have been together for 9 years now (he's German and she's from Mississippi!) and are two peas in a pod. In spite of the fact he's a quadriplegic (from a swimming accident), he is one of the most positive, cheerful persons you could ever meet. As Dixie says, EVERYONE loves him. And that's the truth. His perfect English and her perfect German make for a great combination. You can definitely say they were made for each other (it's written all over her natal chart!). I even met the MIL who takes care of B when Kim is taking a break. So lovely herself. I felt so at home there with all of them, which is a testament to their loving hospitality.

And so that you all will know that Kim really DOES knit those wonderful goodies on her site, here are her hands knitting a sock. You're not gonna hear what I say next but I actually think I could get inspired to learn how to knit socks. I can probably come up with 10 good reasons but suffice it to say that if I decide to do it, I'll do it for Donica and me for our times here in Germany. When it's cold here it's really C-O-L-D. It goes straight to your bones. That's when those wool-blend socks really come in handy. I can see it right now: Ginnie the knitter! HA. True to us Geminis, I'll try anything once :)

Which is a great note to stop on. "Try anything once," is my motto. As you know by now, I'm trying it more than once, over and over again...meeting up with these wonderful Bloggers who have become a significant part of my world.

Thank you, Kim and B, for taking such good care of me for a day!


  1. So glad you had a wonderful time with wonderful people! How nice to put faces with the names . . .

  2. yeah! You put a smile on my face, replacing some of the large knots in my stomache! I'm trying not to worry that much!

    Anyhow - you had so much fun and I love the pics. Kim's socks are incredible. I love the one she is doing!!!

    And it was so great to see Kim's husband!!! Oh I can't wait to meet up!

  3. Amy: Yes, I agree with the names and faces. Always helpful :)

    ET: Yes, our time is coming--almost here!

  4. First of all thanks for the nice comments on my wife's guest post - the second one is up.
    How wonderful to see blogger friends meeting - blogs connectinh people you know! And Kim and B sounds and look wanderful too - I'm so glad they allowed you to share:-)
    And then your soon about to meet ET and P - lucky you!
    Btw: seeing you knitting reminded me of my mother - she's good at it and I did it when I was young too - long, long time ago:-)

  5. Ginnie, it was our pleasure to host you yesterday and B and I both had a wonderful time with your visit. Hope it won't be our last! :)

  6. Beautiful architecture! I think I like the 11th century Monastery of Our Beloved Lady the best. It sounds like you are having an excellent time visiting with your blogger friends over there.

  7. Awww, what a great write up! Your pictures are gorgeous and Kim and B are just cute as buttons, but I knew that already. :-)

    And you're right about Gemini trying anything once. I think I told you I already bought sock wool, but now I can't find it because it's buried under all my other half-started projects! Heh.

    Have a great trip home and a great weekend with family and special guests.

  8. G'ma knitted...I think you should take it up. Would help pass the time on the airplane and in the airport! Do you still have the sweater she made you the year she made all those sweaters for all the "kids"?

    Mom has passed her's down to me. That's kind of funny considering I live in Florida!! :)

  9. Renny: What a great comment! It's always refreshing to get your perspective on everything--from Norway :)

    Dixie: I'm quite sure it won't be our last, here or there! Thank you again.

    Tim: That monastery was my favorite as well!

    Christina: The only thing missing was YOU. Maybe the next time!

    Mrs. M/Shari: Oh yes, G'ma knitted. The fisherman sweater (a gorgeous all-wool rust color) she made for me was lost in my condo fire back in 1994. It could have been salvaged but the people working on it must not have known it was wool and therefore washed it. Needless to say, it shrank down to almost nothing! So sad, it broke my heart. So anyway, if my mom could do it....except I wouldn't make a sweater, just socks :)


Dutch Sjoelen Mania

  First of all, it's pronounced SHOO-la and, translated into English, is "shuffleboard" for a table instead of the floor (as ...